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It was an unfortunate letter.

No matter how hard Ayla tried, she couldn't quite get it out of her head. She had tried sleeping for hours but it merely followed her into her dreams, she tried to distract herself with homework and talking with the house elves and attempting to get Grace to finally confess that she fancied Sirius but nothing worked. It continued to repeat over and over again in her mind as if a record had broken.

To my dears,
You wont believe! I did my first ever mission! Found the address of the Longbottom's during it, too! What a lucky thing.
Avi, good luck with that girl! She'd be winning the lottery to have you. Also, thank you for sending that amazing sketch you drew of the Hogwarts grounds! It was beautiful. You have such a talent. But do get your History of Magic grade up! At this rate, you're going to get a Troll on your N.E.W.T.s and I don't want that for you!
And Ayla, do tell me more about your friends, you haven't said much about them. I hope they're good influences... Are you still friends with Grace? Be careful being friends with a mudblood. The Dark Lord isn't very lenient with that. Also, are you keeping up with your engineering projects? I don't know, you've just seemed distracted. Please come to me if you need anything!
Your father and I love you both so much. Hope to see you both at Christmas! I've got so much to tell you that I can't quite fit in a letter.
Love, Mum (and Dad)

"Ayla, are you alright? You've looked rather pale since you've got here," Remus pried lightly. He was sitting on the Gryffindor common rooms couch beside her, Peter to his right. James sat next to Ayla on her left and Sirius and Grace were off downing drinks as the birthday party thrummed behind them.

Ayla's head shot up and looked to Remus. She did not reply.

Found the address of the Longbottom's during it, too!

Ayla shook her head to clear it.

Remus set his hand on her shoulder, though a bit hesitantly, and murmured softly, "Ayla, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm okay! Don't worry about me," Ayla insisted with a weak smile. But honestly she wasn't okay. Not one bit. She had no idea what to do. Should she tell Frank Longbottom? Should she tell a teacher? Should she stay quiet? She hadn't even shown Avi the letter and she felt rather frightened to. Frank was one of his good friends, they even where dormmates and in the same year. Ayla's gut twisted.

"Are you sure?" Remus asked, brows dented with concern.

"Yes, I'm fine. I can handle it. Don't worry about me. You should be enjoying the party."

Remus frowned but dropped his hand from Ayla's shoulder. "Okay. But if you need anything, you can always come to me. I'm going to get some punch, would you like some?"

"I'm good, thank you though," answered Ayla.

"Alright. Prongs, Wormtail? Punch?"

Peter jumped from his seat, "Oh, yes please! I'll come with you, I want some cake, too!"

However, James didn't answer, too busy with watching Lily across the room. He wiped his palms against his jeans. Ayla could read the nerves on his face.

"I'll take that as a no. We'll be back." And Remus and Peter left to go get punch and cake.

Ayla and James sat there in silence; James cracking his knuckles against his thighs, still watching Lily and Ayla attempting to both ignore the deafening quiet between them and constant repetition of the letter in her head.

Found the address of the Longbottom's during it, too!

Ayla pushed her obsessive thought away. "James," Ayla started.

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