²⁰late night snack

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"Wormtail, if I hear that you're hungry one more time, I'm going to shave your hair off in your sleep," Sirius threatened, glaring at Peter intensely.

Peter frantically began patting his head, checking if his blond locks were still there, as if they could have disappeared within the second since Sirius had said what he had said.

"Relax, Pads," Remus warned, tightening the cap on his ink pot. "We'll sneak down to the kitchens in a second. Let me just put my homework away. And you lot should probably do that too, saying you nearly forget your homework every day."

James rolled his eyes with a crooked grin as he hung upside down off his mattress. "It's a bit fun when we forget our homework. The adrenaline-"

"Forgive me, I forgot that you all are adrenaline junkies," Remus joked sarcastically. He finished putting away his homework and then put his bag beside his bedside. He shoved on his shoes without untying the laces.

"Time to go now?" Peter said enthusiastically, bouncing on the balls of his feet through pure excitement of getting food. It wasn't like the Marauders didn't do this every other night, but Peter especially loved it and always seemed to looked forward to it.

"Yes. Let's go."

The quad went for the door, Peter flinging it open as James began rushing out, shoving his invisibility cloak in his bag. Sirius ran after James, stomping his way down the stairs and smashing the Marauder's Map into his back pocket. Peter trailed, then Remus, who closed the door softly to try not to wake anyone. It didn't do much, saying how loud Sirius, James, and Peter were being.

Then a soft but authoritative voice was heard from the sitting area in the common room and Lily Evans was standing besides the fire, glaring at all four boys.

"What are you boys doing sneaking out at eleven o'clock at night?" It wasn't said as a questions. It was a demand.

"Evans! No need to worry! I've put those days of mischief making behind me!" James gallantly stated while he flourished his hands about for show. A hint of pink flared on his tan cheeks as he grinned at the red head.

Lily scoffed and folded her arms. "Sure. It's not like you were in detention last week."

"First one of the year. I was good a whole month, aren't you proud?" James laughed even though Remus could tell her was genuinely asking.

Lily stared at James for a bit, studying his face with suspicious eyes. "Suppose that's better than usual..."

"Definitely! I'm grown up now!"

"Whatever," Lily rolled her eyes then went back to business, "But actually. What are you lot doing sneaking out? You'll make us lose house points. Filch will find you and string you up with chains and whip you to death."

Sirius then butted in, leaning his elbow on James shoulder, "Calm down, Red. We know how to do this. We've been doing it since first year."

Lily looked at Sirius with annoyance and awe, then looked to Remus and gave him a pointed stare. "Remus, what are you guys doing?"

"Late night snack," Remus shrugged his shoulders with a smirk. He heard Sirius audibly groan that Remus confessed what they were doing. Peter looked terrified. "And if you don't tell, we'll bring you back a treacle tart."

"Wasn't planning on telling but it's a deal," Lily smiled smugly. Lily then paused and studied the four boys, a dent between her brow. "You've all become very mature... Well, Remus has always been mature but you know what I mean."

James grinned crookedly, "It's called puberty. I've become a man now. I don't hex people anymore, Evans."

"I'm glad. I like this you a lot better, Potter."

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