Life and Death

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Final Destination but make it gay and domestic.

K so here's the plot. Since the beginning of time Life and Death, aka Vivus and Sen, have been working directly against each other, to the point where they hated each other. Vivus often referred to Sen as a monster and a cruel heartless bastard, and Sen often referred to Vivus as kinda cute if he wasn't so stubborn. They're both friends with a girl called Limbo, who runs the afterlife, conveniently named after herself. They talk shit about each other there and she's convinced that they're both into each other.

So one day they both discover this ten year old kid who had a TV fall on top of her. The kid has no parents and lives on her own. Her name's Emma. They think she's dead so Sen gets ready to take her to Limbo while Vivus calls him cruel and heartless as usual, when she gets up suddenly, even though she shouldn't have been able to get up. Turns out Emma's immortal, and has had these near death experiences loads of times but has never actually died. So Vivus and Sen decide they're her dad's now and take care of her. We jump six years into the future where they're like a domestic slice of life webtoon.

Vivus feels like he's starting to catch feelings so he's angry about it to Limbo for a few minutes and she sips some wine and asks what he sees in him. He doesn't actually know but he does know the chances of them being together are nonexistent because Sen probably hates him. But Sen is also catching feelings, he just doesn't seem to realise it because, as he keeps getting told, he's started to actually believe he's cruel and heartless (essentially the biggest part of the plot is that Vivus has unknowingly twisted a genuinely sweet and emotional person into something emotionless with no remorse and hadn't noticed he'd done it).

Sen finds a black cat that people had thrown rocks at until it died, and has a discussion with it (animals can talk to Sen after they die) about why people don't like black cats, while Vivus watches unseen in the background. They sit on the floor together and chat about being misunderstood and having no friends or whatever, basically revealing that Sen does actually have feelings and Vivus feels really bad about it because he's kinda whipped for him. Sen mentions that he's alone in his life, because people fear him or hate him. So Vivus gets home before Sen does and tells Emma to pretend he never left home, Sen gets back looking all sad and Vivus pretends to be surprised that he actually does have a heart, and Sen wasn't happy about that so he reveals that he also thinks he's heartless and cruel, calls himself a monster, then leaves.

Vivus tries to figure out how to tell Sen he's kinda in love with him so he makes Emma put on his cloak and hold his scythe, both of which he left behind when he left, and tried to plan a confession, but he keeps stuttering and fucking up, so he restarts, not realising that right as he does, Sen walks in. He stays really quiet, because he's waiting to apologise. Vivus goes on for like two whole minutes about how much he loves him and cares about him and how sorry he is that he's 'broken him beyond repair.' Emma tells him to turn around and then he has a whole ass breakdown while Sen just looks at him with a stupid smile on his face, but then he shakes his head and walks away.

So Vivus runs after him like an idiot and tries to explain, not realising that Sen likes him back, he insults him straight to his face, then apologises and does it again, Y'know, like people do during a panic attack, but Sen just pats his shoulder and leaves, with Vivus wondering what the hell that was supposed to mean. Sen is next found with Limbo drinking wine and laughing about the whole situation (you should've seen his face, etc). But then Sen realises he's also catching feelings and lowkey dies inside. Limbo encourages him to man the fuck up and go get in his pants.

Eventually, Sen shows his face around the ghost house again and kicks Emma out of the living room for a bit and finally confesses his feelings, and Vivus apologises again and confesses and they look at each for a bit, call each other assholes, then kiss (this being Vivus's first kiss, btw. Not Sen's, as he's a bit of a ho).

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