Video Colabs Part 1

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About a year ago I would have never thought that my life would change so dramatically. I uploaded my first video and it went viral. It was called street football. Where I got a whole bunch of my friends and we played football in the streets of Manhattan New York. It was really funny because my friend Megan trampled this little 12 year old boy.
And I can say that's were it all began. Just last week Matt Espinosa contacted me and asked to do a video colab together. I was beyond excited because he was very hilarious himself. So here I am waiting for him to arrive.
Basically we were going to do a video where one person put on a blind fold. And there was a bunch of ingredients like pickles, bananas, hot sauce, noodles, frozen pizza, raw fish, shrimp, and etc. So getting to the point the person without the blind fold has to make something and give it to the person with the blind fold on. It's going to be pretty nasty and funny.
"House keeping!", I heard a squeaky voice knocking on my door.
"Who is it?", I ran over to the door mocking the voice. Looking through the peep hole seeing it was Matt.
"Mattchu Espinosaaaaaa! Open up Y/N!!!", he gave sass.
I laughed getting a idea. "Hold on!", I yelled running back into the kitchen to grab my phone and chocolate syrup.
"Alright I'm going to prank the Matt Espinosa by throwing chocolate syrup on him. Let's see how this goes", I whispered laughing into my snapchat camera.
Carefully I opened the door hitting the record button on snapchat. "Surprise!!!", I yelled trying to open the chocolate syrup, but failing horribly. So I just threw the bottle at him causing me to laugh uncontrollably.
"Ouch! I'm going to kill you!", he laughed running after me.
"Oh shit", I said before the video ended. Quickly I posted it onto my snapchat story.
I squealed running into my kitchen trying to get away from Matt. "Y/N wait until I get you!", he laughed running towards me.
I tried running away but slipped causing me to fall on my butt. I started laughing uncontrollably, sliding across the floor to get away from Matt. But I was to late he came over holding up his phone (most likely probably going to video what he was going to do to me). "Matt no!", I giggled putting my hands up.
"Say goodbye to Y/N guys!", he spoke into his phone before he started to tickle me.
My eyes widened as his hands ran up and down my sides. "Pleaseee s-topp", I said in between giggles.
But he ignored me and kept tickling me anyways. It got to the point where I couldn't take it any more and tears we coming out of my eyes. Matt noticed almost instantly stopping.
"Oh my god are you alright?", he looked at me with a worried expression.
I started to laugh quickly sitting onto of him. "Gotcha", I smirked before I began to tickle him.
Matt began to laugh his normal high pitched laugh. Which in the end made me laugh. After a minute or so I let Matt go.
"Alright I think we should do the video now", I panted in between laughs.
"Yes no more tickling", he stood up looking traumatized.
10 minutes later Matt and I got everything set up for the video. We decided that Matt would be the first person to put the blind fold on.
"Hey guys it's me and", I stopped to look at Matt, who was waving. "And the thing", I rolled my eyes with disgust.
"Hey! She actually loves me so much! Don't let her fool you!", he shouted defending himself.
"Yeah sure", I laughed continuing to tell them about the video we were doing.
"So let's crack a lacking", Matt clapped his hands together.
I took the red blind fold and tying it around his eyes, before playfully slapping him in the head. "What the hell was that for?", he groaned smiling wide.
"Felt like it", I giggled. Walking over to the ingredients I took the raw fish throwing them into the bowl. Next I grabbed mustard, Nutella, and cheese. Mixing it all together it smelled so revolting that I gagged.
"Looks good doesn't it", I said to the camera. "Smell it Matt", I chortled putting the bowl in front of his face.
"Oh my god. What did you put in that", he gagged covering his mouth.
Quickly I grabbed a spoon taking a big scoop of it. "Ready Matt?", I asked getting ready to shove it in his mouth.
"Oh god wish me luck", he gulped blessing himself.
I laughed quickly shoving it into his mouth. His face began disorient as he gagged uncontrollable.
"Remember the rules! You can't spite it out!", I laughed finding this way to funny.
Finally he gulped it down before he started to cough. "That was the most nastiest thing I ever had", he took the blind fold off. "I need water!!!!", he begged.
I threw him a bottle of water, exactly telling what was in the thing I gave him. "That's fucking gross!", he frowned wiping his mouth.
[ Matt's P.O.V. ]

What Y/N gave me was easily the most disgusting thing ever. But now it was my turn and I was going to get her so good. I decided to make her ingredients hot sauce, raw bacon, banana, blue cheese, and oatmeal. I tried to contain my laughter as I was mixing them together.
"Y/N you are totally going to throw up after eating this", I grabbed the bowl carrying it over to her.
"Great! Can't wait!", she said sarcastically.
I took the spoon shoving it into her mouth. Y/n began tapping her hands off the arms of chair, trying to swallow it.
"Swallow", I laughed placing my hand over her mouth.
"Done bitch!", she yelled standing up and throwing off her blind fold.
"Thanks for watching this weeks video!!!!! Matt and I will answering questions you guys ask over twitter on his channel! Love you guys!!!", She gagged making a disgusting face.
"Yeah bye guys!! Don't forget to click on my face to go onto my channel", I laughed crossing my eyes.
"You are so damn weird", Y/N shook her head at me before ending the video.
Alright guys that was part one of video colabs! Hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment!
Also I posted my first chapter of Limitless!! Go check it out please!!! And leave me some comments or vote, it only takes a few seconds!

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