One Jump

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One jump, simply could end it all. End all the pain, the torch, and constant agony. I closed my eyes feeling the wind blow through my hair. Lifting my arms high above my head, I dreamt of flying far away. Away from all my problems in my life.

One more step a whispered spoke in my head. One more and you'll never feel pain. People are always telling you to pretend it never happened, just get over it they say.

Go on with your life- day after day with no recognition to the past. But what it all comes down to is 3 am. 3 am will tell you just how very much your heart is hurting. 3 am will tell you how much you miss the pass. 3 am can determine life or death.

Just do it already. What are you waiting for. "I guess this is the ending", I whispered taking one foot off the edge.

"Hello?", a deep voice called from a distance. I jumped scaring myself as I fell off the bridge. I screamed grabbed the edge with one hand.

I heard the boy run over the gravel as he grabbed my hand trying to pull me up to safety. "No just leave me here", I tried pushing him away.

But he ignored me pulling me up anyways. I started crying kicking and clawing at him. "Stop, stop!", he yelled-whispered grabbing my face. I sighed giving in, falling on the ground. Once again I escaped death.

"Depression sucks", I whispered thinking the boy left. Once I felt his touch I hurriedly moved away.

"What is depression like?", he whispered looking at me with huge brown eyes.

"It's like drowning, except you can see everyone around you breathing", I spoke sniffling.

"Well it's good that I saved you because you're not leaving anytime soon", he scooted closer.

I squinted my eyes. "What do you mean? I don't even know your name.."

"I'm Matthew. But you can call me Matt. You are?", he asked intently looking at me.

"Hannah", I simply replied.

"No one deserves to feel alone", he scooted once again becoming closer to me.

"Why do you care?", I asked feeling confused. I hardly knew this kid and he was acting as if I meant a lot to him. Or maybe he is being so nice because I was going to kill myself. We all know the real truth, that no one cares about you until you're dead.

"Because I was in your position before. You feel like no one understands... That no matter how much you shout for someone to save you, no one will come. But that's not the truth Hannah, I'm here. And I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Even if we did just meet", he laughed lightly giving me a warm hug.

As I was hugging Matt something switch on. It felt as if I were in this freezing cold room and someone decided to turn on the heat. In that moment I pulled Matt closer.

We sat there in silence hugging. I wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words to what I was feeling. "I'm sorta hungry", was what came out when I spoke.

Matt gave me a funny look before laughing. "I wasn't expecting that. Would you like to get something to eat with me?", he asked as if I were his mother.

"Sure I'd like that", I genuinely smiled for the first time in forever. Matt helped me up as the wind blew forcefully.

And I truly never could thank Matthew enough for saving me that day on the bridge. He was the one to bring me back to happiness.

Hope you liked this @mattesers !

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now