Cheater part 2

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[ Y/N's P.O.V. ]

Two months past since the day Matt caught me cheating on him. Two months feeling alone and worthless. Two months not being able to forgive myself. I haven't talked or seen Nash since then. I didn't even dare contact Matt. He hates me enough said.

I was such a idiot to go behind Matt's back and cheat with him. Matt hasn't been on any social media since then. They boys made up some excuse that he was "busy", but c'mon we all know the truth. The truth is the slut (me) cheated on Matt.

I truly loved Matt. And not a day goes by where I wish I could tell him. But even if I did, I would not be able to process enough powerful words to describe how much I love him. He was my rock my base. He was there to catch me each time I fell.

Did I forget to say that about a month ago his fans found out what happened? They have been giving me hate ever since. So sitting around in pjs eating ice cream and watching Netflix became my new thing. My mother and father became so worried that they took me to see a doctor. I was diagnosed with depression. Blah blah blah you know what happened after that. I started to cut about 2 weeks ago. I promised I never would do it. Life is just so hard and unfair, I can't take it.

Looking over at my phone I saw billions of notifications blow up from fans. All of were how such a slut I was and how I broke Matt's heart. They called me a bitch, attention seeker and you can imagine.

I felt something snap inside me. I can't take this anymore. I quickly unlocked my phone and went on twitter to start a new tweet.

*Your twitter username*

I had enough of everything. What did I ever do to you guys? Nothing. It was between me & Matt. Younow now?

I sent the tweet as I logged onto my Younow. Maybe if I talked it out they would understand and give me a break.

"Umm hi guys", I said through the camera awkwardly.

I looked in the comments as some read "why isn't the whore dead yet?" "Go kill yourself". "Bitch".

I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I quickly wiped it away. Maybe I should kill myself. If that's what they really want, maybe that's what's best for everyone.

"Guys I can't do this. Maybe your right I should kill myself. Sorry for bothering your time. Bye", I said crying as I shut the camera off.

I slowly made my way into my bathroom looking at my reflection in the mirror.



Attention seeker

Go kill yourself

All these ran through my mind as I saw a once happy girl now a depressed girl with nothing but some pills to take that can make everything go away.

I grabbed a bottle looking at the back that says take two only. I unscrewed the cap, my hand violently shaking as I poured a dozen pills in my hand. Walking back into my room I took the water bottle off my dresser, popping the pills into the back of my throat, before taking a gulp of water.

I laid back onto my bed as fatigue started to take over. Soon I will be in a happy place... A safe haven. When my eyes began to shut I heard my door slam open as someone shouted to call 911.

I know that voice. It Matthew's....

Authors Note:

Okay I'm doing something different this time.

YOU guys get to choose the fate of this imagine.

Do you want it to end like this? Mysterious of what happened next?

Continue it onto a part 3?

Now if I were to continue it would you want it to be a happy or sad ending?

So this imagine is up to YOU guys... Comment & let me know what you think should happen.

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now