Drabble - Gift II

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It took her three seconds before she closed her door abruptly the moment she saw who her visitor is.

But the son of Sun God is not someone who easily gives up.

"I will not leave your door not until you talk to me."

She could have ignored him for the rest of the night if not for the sound of him sneezing, after she heard the sound of the nine o' clock bell.

He's been outside her door for over an hour now.

If he would get sick, it might cause trouble. Immortals they may be, but still, there is no such thing as ultimate power. Within the confines of the earth, they were but a bunch of humans with sealed powers.

He may be the God of Light and Fire, but here in this sacred mountains, he was just as normal as a human could be.

She doesn't like trouble, that is why after an eternity of thinking about her talking to him, she finally opened her door and invited him inside.

His nose was pink and his eyes were glassy. But his smile was still as bright as his moniker.

"Eternally grateful to you," he cheered as he sips his tea. She has saved a slice of cake for her midnight snack but seeing how sugar could corrupt him further, she decided to keep the cake for herself.

Looking at him this close, she noted how bright his red robes are compared to the lack of color of her room.

He was still as stellar as he could be. Impossible to ignore, his presence commanding attention.

And no matter how much he bothers her, she couldn't pretend that she couldn't see him.

"State your purpose. I have other things to do but you came and disrupt my timeline."

He frowned for a moment, but smiled again when he remembers his agenda.

He handed her the flowers.

"Please accept these flowers as I seek amends for how I teased you early this morning."

Dead silence followed.

His arms were starting to strain as he keeps his hopeful eyes on her.

At last, she accepted the flowers.

They were pretty and immaculate.

"Thank you."

He saw how her eyes smiled for a moment. But the rest of her features remain unmoving.

"Perhaps, a smile for me, Lady Yue?"

Oh no.

He made her pink again.

If he will make her angry again, he doesn't have any flowers left to pacify her.

Instead, he quickly finished his tea. He then stood up to bid her good night.

"I do not wish to make you angry. I just want to see you and catch up with you. We knew each other since we were kids but never did I had a decent conversation with you."

She stood up and walks towards her door, implying that he has to cut now his overstay.

He felt sad. Did he make her angry again?

The worry in his face has touched her, unexpectedly.

She knew she was being unreasonable. It was not his fault if he was born loud and wild and larger than life.

They might not have spoken a word or two from the time they met each other but she, being a keen observer, has seen his exuberance ever since they were young.

He has never changed, she deduced.

She cleared her throat.

"Apology accepted."

She tried to look at him with kindness. And it worked.

His worry disappeared and now he was smiling again.

"If Lady Yue accepts my apology, may I invite her then to see the town tomorrow afternoon?"

She has some readings to do, but he didn't give her the chance to deny him.

"If I have to ask your mother, I will. I heard the town was buzzing with people and their merchandise it would be an educational tour for Lady Yue, to mingle with our people. If we can see their situation and what help they need, it will make us more effective as deities, don't you think?"

He got her intrigued.

"You want to help the people?"

"Of course. What's the use of being a god if all we do is wait for praises and offerings? These people do not have magic. They need us that is why they pray."

She never thought she would hear this from him.

But she felt warm.

And before she knew it, she smiled at him.

He felt as if a lightning struck his heart.

He unconsciously put his hand over his heart. He felt its drumming too strong it might open his chest cavity.

He was still staring at her intently when she held his elbow to guide him outside her door.

"Good night, Wang He Di."

Only then was he able to regain his composure.

"Good night, Lady Yue. I will see you tomorrow."

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