Chapter 1: Intro

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"Dan! Hurry up inside, it's raining!" 12, almost 13 year old Phil squealed running inside.

"Nah come on Phil! It's not even that bad, come dance with me." 12 year old Dan gave him a cheeky smile while spinning in the rain.

(yes I'm making them the same age, now shhh)

"Are you crazy! I don't want to get sick silly!" Phil scolded him for the crazy idea.

"Crazy for you." Dan smiled innocently at the blushing Phil who stood on the porch.

"Come inside, you little llama." Phil winked at him, closing the door behind him.

Dan wondered, was that too far? Did he make a mistake? He didn't seem grossed out, or awkward. He called me a llama, which is in fact new. He also winked... so does he like me too? the boy thought. Dan didn't know what this meant, but he sure did like it.

Opening the door and slipping off his shoes he enter the quiet, empty house. Phil was sat on the sofa facing the tv, which wasn't even on, drinking hot cocoa.

"Finally got cold now, did you Dan?" Phil smiled, setting his favorite mug, the one with cat whiskers, down on the table.

"No, I didn't get cold! I just got bored without you." Dan pouted, sitting next to the snuggled up boy.

"Well you know what they say! Life's boring without Phil." He smiled sweetly.

"Who's they? Your mum?" Dan laughed probably the cutest laugh Phil's ever heard.

"Shut up, cutie." Phil pinched Dan's red cheek.

"Okay I know I'm a couple months younger than you but come on. I'm not a baby Phiiil!" The two nervous, boys smiled at each other.

"You are a baby." Phil rolls his eyes.

"Am not."

"You are!"

"Am not!"

By this point Dan's forehead was pressed against Phil's.

"Your nose is cold." Phil giggled as their noses brushed against one another's.

"I know." Dan closed his eyes and smiled.

Both the boys started to lean forward without hesitation. Their lips touched the slightest bit but they never kissed.

Phil climbed on top of Dan, brushing his fringe to the side.

"You know you mean a lot to me." Phil whispered.

"And you mean a lot to me." Dan whispered back almost so quietly you couldn't hear the love he has for the boy on top of him in his voice.


I guess you could say from that day on Phil and I have been closer than ever.

We never kissed.
Never admitted our feelings.
But most importantly never left each other's sides.

Yes I know Phil likes me and I like him, a lot in fact. You know Phil, the sunshine on a cloudy day. The smile on my face. The reason I'm alive.

I'll never forget the day he called me a llama. To this day he still calls me it. And I call him lion, because a lion represents strength.

Which is exactly what he has.

~Dan x


Hello lovelies! I ship Dan and Phil like no fucking tomorrow so why not write a fanfic about them?! Anyways I hope you liked this little preview! I know exactly where I'm going with this and I hope you'll love what's to come(:

Vote, comment, and share cuties x


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