Chapter 2: Memories & Unexpected Things

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~Dan's POV~

"Daniel James Howell!" I heard Phil holler from the other side of the flat.

"Yeees Philip?" I asked but heard no respond.

"Phiiil!" I called but no answer.

"Phil?" I raised an eyebrow wondering why he wasn't responding.

I turned the corner and saw Phil leaning against the wall trying to organize our storage closet.

"Idiot, you know you can't do this by yourself." I laughed.

"Yes, yes, why do you think I called you stupid." Phil rolled his eyes, but lovingly.

"Here let me help." I pushed some things out of the way as Phil started to lift some things.

Soon enough we were all finished and sat on the couch in the position we'll most likely probably be in for the next 4 hours.

"It's 8am and you decided to wake up and clean?" I scoffed.

"Yes because I know it would have never been finished if I didn't." He laughed, smiling at his computer. Not bothering to look up.

"Remember when your mum told us to go clean your room but we ended up playing video games for an hour?" I sighed at the memory.

"Yes I remember, that's why I had to clean. Oh I miss when we were kids, Dan." Phil frowned looking up at me, meeting my eyes.

"Me too Phil, me too." I looked down.

I really do miss when we were kids, everything was just so much simpler. Now that we're 17 and 18 we have our responsibilities. Like school, work, and our future. I dread the thought of paying taxes and bills and responsibility. It all seems like so much that I'm truly not ready for. I may be old enough but I'm certainly not prepared enough.

Oh and let's not forget the responsibility of our YouTube channels. We both are progressing really well with them and have a couple thousand subscribers. I'm pretty proud of us and-


"Mhm, yeah?" I shake my head.

"Dan I've been calling you for like 5 minutes aha." Phil scratches the back of his neck.

"Oh sorry, what is it?" I looked up.

"Look, someone made fanart of us!" He chuckled to himself. Oh Phil, you're so cute. I came over and plopped onto the couch next to him, our legs overlapping each other's.

"Oh my gosh, that one is so cute." I pointed to a a picture of us holding each other while we sleep, which is actually not a lie.

I turned my head to meet his and our noses touched as I could feel myself blushing. In that moment I felt the exact same way I felt years ago almost like it was the first time.

"You're cute." Phil pinched my cheek like old times.

"But you're cuter." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Yes, I know what you're thinking. We aren't in a relationship though. Yet. And no, I am not lying for your information! It's rude to assume...

"I'm going to get some tea would you-" I got caught off by being pushed into the wall near me.

"Holy shit Phil." My eyes widened in shock.

"You swore." He stated.

"F-fuck." I managed to stutter out in amusement. He's heard me swear before?

"I like it."

"O-oh..." I could feel my cheeks burning. Damnit Dan, get it together.

"You know what I've been wanting to do ever since that one day Dan, when it was raining and we spent all day together afterwards, just us?" He whispered.

"Y-yeah. What is it that you have been w-wanting to do, Phil?"



*inhuman squeal*


okay I'll be updating soon hopefully but for now enjoy this cliff hanger :D

Love you all beautiful people!

Vote, comment, share.

~Sydney x

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