Chapter 4

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A month has passed and I've settled back into my normalcy of hanging out with Amy and Ashton, being with Ethaniel, papa, Evan and Emery; and having dinners with Thomas and his family. Asher has backed off on his pursuit of me, which makes me happy. Let's face it, he can do much better than me.

Today the five of us are meeting Thomas and his family and having a family day at the park and the street fair. A street fair is a location, typically a paved street that is blocked off and there are food vendors, games, rides, performers, face painters, henna artists, etc.

"Ethan, are you and Thaniel ready?" Evan asks; coming into Ethaniel's bedroom.

I've just finished packing a backpack for Thaniel for the day; smiling at my little brother; "Yup. Excited for the park and street fair?"

Evan nods quickly as his friends are meeting us there along with Emery's; and they'll spend time with us at the fair; "Yeah, can't wait!" He picks Ethaniel up, placing him on his hip when his nephew asked him too.

Smiling widely at them, quickly pulling out my cell to snap a quick picture of the two of them; then we meet papa and Emery at the front door. Meeting Thomas, Oliver, Kallum and Katie at the park for half-an-hour before walking to the street fair since the parking there is horrible and it's only a block walk.

"Ethan, are you letting Ethaniel have his face painted?" Oliver asks quietly as he walks next to me as I push my son in his stroller. 

"Yeah, as long as it's free," I mumble back.

"Even if it isn't let him," Oliver insists with a small smile.

Clamping my mouth shut as I know I won't win this battle; I love spending time with everyone but I hate not having money to buy things for Ethaniel. Papa won't allow me to have a job yet to pay for Ethaniel.

An hour and a half later, Ethaniel, Kallum, Katie and Emery, along with her friends, have their faces painted for free (the painters were tipped); Evan and his friends have Henna tattoos that were free as well (tipping the artist too).

Walking to a 'tea-cup' ride with Ethaniel on my right hip, waiting with him in line; Thaniel lies his head on my shoulder with his arm around my neck to play with the hairs at the back of my neck while sucking his left thumb while I lightly rub his back.

"Well, look who we have here," Asher's voice floats from behind me.

Groaning at his voice with an eye roll; not bothering to turn around or acknowledge him. Stepping forwards two steps as the line moves, Asher comes to stand by me. Keeping my eyes focused on Ethaniel and the line; ignoring Asher's stupid grin toward me and my son.

He remains quiet for a few seconds before he says to Thaniel; "You look very nice as a Kitty-Cat."

Thaniel tucks his face into my neck, not wanting to talk to Asher or be talked too by him; "Please leave us alone."

I'm trying to keep the irritation from my voice and continue enjoying our day together as a family.

"Leave my brother and nephew alone," Evan says; standing with us along with his three friends.

My 13-year-old brother looks so damn adorable when he's angry; him helping me just makes me love him even more. Smiling at my little brother, who is only a few inches shorter than me as he stands in front of Ethaniel and I with his arms crossed over his chest; a scowl placed firmly on his lips.

"Wow, you three look a lot alike," Asher comments looking between the three of us; his eyes wide.

Evan and I both raise an eyebrow at him without speaking nor do any of his friends. "Leave us alone," I firmly tell him walking us forward in line.

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