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"Hey Lucas, where's Ethaniel?" I ask my sweet and amazing boyfriend.

Lucas glances at me from his spot at the changing table in our seven-month-old son's nursery; where he is changing Logan's diaper and clothes for bedtime.

"He's in his room, baby; why are you out of bed?" he asks; a small frown on his lips.

Pouting at him hoping he wouldn't say anything more; "I'm lonely and I want to help put our boys to bed."

Lucas picks Logan up when he's done with his task, to walk them over to me at the door. Gently taking Logan from his daddy, pressing kisses to his chubby cheeks; causing him to giggle loudly.

"You're on bedrest until the twins are born," Lucas gently reminds me, with a kiss on my forehead.

I'm five months pregnant with fraternal twins - a boy we're naming Emerson and a girl we're naming Lucy. I became pregnant with them when Logan was two months old and when the twins are born, we will have a 5-year-old, a 10-month-old and two newborns.

Lucas and I are still discussing if we are going to have more babies after Emerson and Lucy are born. It's not that I don't love my babies because I do but four babies is a good number in my opinion but Lucas wants one or two more. Financially, we're doing well but we'll see if we have more babies in the future.

"Take Logan to our bedroom and I will bring you a bottle for him before I help Ethaniel to bed."

"I want to tell him goodnight, too," I pout; walking Logan and I toward my bedroom.

"We'll bring you Logan's bottle so you can tell him goodnight," Lucas promises with a smile.

"Thank you, love," I respond sweetly with a huge grin; since I have gotten my way.

"You're welcome," Lucas' voice trails off behind me as I enter the bedroom; and carefully sit on the bed with Logan.

Several minutes later, Lucas and Ethaniel enter the bedroom with Thaniel carrying the bottle for his little brother. Ethaniel was so excited when he found out he was having a sibling and he's been great with Logan and he's excited about the twins as well.

"Here papa," Thaniel says climbing onto the bed next to me with help from Lucas; thrusting the bottle toward me.

Taking it from him with a bright smile to bring the nipple to Logan's mouth; which he starts sucking on right away. "Thank you, Thaniel; you're such a great big brother."

Ethaniel smiles brightly at me as he climbs onto his knees to peck me on the cheeks; "Thanks papa."

"Goodnight my sweet boy, I love you," I respond to him as I peck him on the forehead.

"Night papa, love you more," he happily says back before climbing off the bed; to follow with Lucas to his bedroom for bed.

Once Lucas has read Ethaniel his story and tucked him in; along with turning his night light on and shutting the bedroom door, he joins me in our bedroom where Logan has finished his bottle and fallen asleep. Once Lucas has placed Logan in his crib and turned on the night light and the video monitor and shut the bedroom door, he joins me in bed so I can snuggle into his warm body.

I love my life so damn much along with everyone that is in it.

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