Last This love Forever (TheWanted Fanfiction)

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•Chapter 2• Moving Out

As I was in the train, I was thinking about if I were actually ready to leave my parents to live with Siva.I love my parents but.. I just want to know what it actually feels like to be free. If it doesnt work out... then I guess ill just have to go back. I havent yet told Siva my plan, But I know he would understand. He always understood me, no matter what situation it was in.

I sat in the train as I listened to some of my music. Music was always relaxing to me, it always boosted up my mood.

(2hrs later)

I finally arrived to where my brother was located. I havent yet called him about my plans, and in fact im just about to do that right now.

Vanessa: Hello Siva? I said really flatly, I wasnt really in the mood.

Siva: Hey vanessa, whats up with you? I asked knowing that something was wrong.

Vanessa: yeaa, about that. I kind of got in a fight with dad and I kinda moved out of London. I said afraid of what he was gonna react like.

Siva:What! Does mom know about this?!! I said really worried.

Vanessa: Well first of all I told dad that I wanted to move out of London, because I said that I felt like I needed more company. He kind of got mad then for the first time ever in my life he slapped me, right across my face.. Yeah suprising right? I said tearing up. I love dad, but ... I just felt like I was being controlled, and I just wanted to feel free for once.

Siva: I understand V, but you cant just leave like that, you should of atleast talked to mom about your problem instead of running away from it.

Anyway were are you right now?

Vanessa: about that.... Im kind of asking if I Stay with you at your flat for a while.. Just for a while though.. I promise that I wont stay very long.

Siva: I really felt bad for her, I didnt know that after all these years that's what she felt like. I know that dad just wants to protect her, I mean when I left he sure didnt want me to go because he felt like he was loosing something really important in his life.

I do understand dad, and both Vanessa at the same time. I know Vanessa wouldnt abandon dad her whole life, so I guess she could stay for the mean time, I mean... I do really miss my sister.

Siva: Ofcourse anytime V, Just tell me the rest of the story once you get to our flat. I love you, and Ill always will.Ill text you the adress, and the deets,

Vanessa: Thankyou Seev, I love you too.

Siva immediately texted me the adress to the house. I quickly called a taxi as I put my luggages in the back of the trunk, as we headed to the adress.

The Wanted's Flat

Vanessa's Pov

No way! This is totally not their flat! This house is huge! You can fit like two elephants in there! I cannot believe my own brother lives in this gigantic home. I grabbed my luggages as I headed towards the door slowly still eyeing the beautiful building. I doorbelled once as I stepped a few times back.

The Wanted.

Siva's Pov

I explained everything to the boys about her problem and how she left London. They all understood her situation and they were all exciited to meet her. I also phoned our manager about it who didnt seem so happy about the idea, bu she still supported us. I hear a doorbell as I ran to the door knowing that it was Vanessa.

Vanessa: Oh gosh, I'm so nervous right now. What if the boys dont like me? That would sure suck for me.

I waited as Siva answered the door.

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