Mistletoe does NOT belong in taxies...

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"Mistletoe does NOT belong in taxies! It never has done, it never will." Beth exclaimed, shooting the piece that was hung not so discretely above the card machine a dirty look.

"Sure it does. After all it is nearly Christmas, where's your Christmas spirit? We've been in this taxi for nearly half an hour and I'm under the impression that your Scrooge's distantly related cousin. Lighten up a bit..." The driver stated, flashing Beth a schoolboy smirk from the display mirror. In response Beth just rolled her eyes and moved her gaze to the snow now pounding on the window, making visibility next to nothing. They had been stuck in the same spot for about 15 minutes and there was no sign that they would be moving anytime soon.

Sighing, Beth looked back over to her driver, who was humming 'jingle bells' under his breath. For a taxi driver he was surprisingly young and, although she hated to admit it, rather attractive; from his mousy brown hair to the way he was smartly dressed, a pair of Ray-Ban glasses perched on his nose and a Rolex watch attached to his left wrist. He was obviously loaded and had more money than sense - based on the things he was coming up with.

"Ha ha. Funny. Really." She snapped, her tone dripping with sarcasm, "I'm Beth, very much a lover of all things Christmas but so far I've had other things to think about." She muttered, scoffing as his smirk only grew in size, irritating her further.

"Like what?" Seeing the way she furrowed her eyebrows he shrugged, "C'mon, who knows how long we'll be stuck here for, we might as well make the most of it."

Considering the very valid point he was making, she inhaled deeply getting ready to give him a complete life story. "A couple of years ago my dad died of cancer, it was sudden and seemed to come from nowhere. At the time I had a long term boyfriend, who, when things were getting really tough at home, really helped my mum through her grief. Obviously we both thought he was some kind of angel sent from god and my dads dying wish was that I married him, my dad adored him probably as much as I did. Only problem was, was that one day after work I come home to find him cheating on me with my next door neighbour. To this day Mum still swears blind that he's innocent but I think its the fact that if she accepts that, then she has to accept that my dad is really gone..." The familiar feeling of tears pricked her eyes and her throat was beginning to feel tight. Swallowing hard, she carried on. The driver remained silent but his attention was on her, from her dyed platinum blonde hair to the way she sat with an air of authority and class - she was truly breathtaking.

"Anyway, fast forward to this morning, my mum brings him up in a conversation - yet again - long story short we got into another argument about it and this evening I've got this super important Christmas party that could be my one chance of getting this promotion that I have been working all year for. Now, thanks to this stupid weather I'm going to be late and I'm probably going to loose that promotiom to some guy who's being working there since Tuesday." Beth ranted, throwing her arms up in frustration. She then turned to him and nodded, "So," She began, "What made you want to become a taxi driver?"

A boyish grin suddenly appeared on his face and leaning forward he said, "I'll let you into a little secret, I'm not actually a taxi driver-"

"You've got to be kidding me." She interrupted him, her tone monotonous.

"No, no, hear me out. Right, so, last night me and the guys got a little - you know - merry and they dared me to borrow a taxi and drive around London. Brilliant, right." He chortled, clapping his hands but Beth's face said otherwise.

"Where did you get a taxi from so last minute?" She asked incredulously.

"Digby knows a chap."

"Right, of course he does." Beth grumbled, burying her face in her hands. "What did you say your name was?"

"Charles Smith." He prompted.

Shaking her head and muttering something inaudibly under her breath, she went to check her phone only to find 3 missed calls and a text from Derek - her boss.

"Oh my!" She shouted, then squealed excitedly, "I got the promotion!"

"That's great! What about the Christmas party?"

"Cancelled, nobody can get there due to the weather!" Beth explained, she sighed a great sigh of relief, a massive smile plastered onto her face. "Ugh, I could hug you right now."

"Why don't you?" Charles asked cheekily.

"Well..." She trailed off, a light shade of pink dusting her cheeks.

"Since you don't have to go to that party anymore, how about I take you out for a drink. Once we get out of this traffic, that is." Charles offered, a ghost of a smirk lingered over his lips.

Beth didn't even have to think about her answer, "I would love to, Charles."

They both sat there grinning at each other like little children on Christmas morning, his eyes occasionally flickering down to her lips. All of a sudden an idea popped into his head, pointing up at the mistletoe, he said, "So how about that mistletoe, eh?"

All Beth could do was laugh, maybe Christmas miracles did exist after all...

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