Behind the Infection

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A knock on the door alerted Isa, rousing her from slumber. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she pushed herself into a sitting position. "Enter." She called, granting entry to whoever was at the door.
A nurse with cat-like features walked into the recovery room, "Miss Isa, pardon my disturbance, but you have an important visitor." The nurse bowed and rose her head in a light apology.
Isa adjusted her gown to be as presentable as possible, "Who is it?"
"Miss Lilith. She says she has to speak with you regarding her research on the virus that afflicted you." The nurse responded.
Isa shrugged, somewhat disappointed it wasnt one of her ecstatic maids from yesterday. Sora, Chandra, and Lydia seemed overjoyed at the news of Asia's new life. "Send her in, Thank you."
The nurse exited, and ushered Lilith into Isa's recovery ward, closing the door behind the lich. "I am pleased you accepted my offer, Miss Isa." Lilith greeted, A basket with wine and a stuffed rabbit hung from one arm.
Isa Pressed a finger to her lips, then pointed at a still-sleeping Asia, "She kept me up half the night, please dont wake her up."
Lilith nodded her head to acknowledge the request of the new mother. "My questions are regarding anything you could remember from the infection, no matter how vague." Lilith whispered, stepping closer to Isa's bedside, "If you do, that is." She set the gift basket on top of an empty stand, adjusting the little bunny so it sat upright.
     The Lamia thought hard, "Its difficult," she concentrated, "Like looking into mud." her ears picked up the distinctive sound of a pen on paper, Lilith was recording every word. "I could see, definitely, but I wasn't in control of my actions. People screaming, I was shoving some, crashing through.... a wall?"
Lilith clicked the memory together with the events that unfolded, "You were conscious, though not in control. You recall the duration and events that occured while you were infected. Intriguing mechanic for a virus." Lilith wrote down a side note under 'Characteristics of Infection,' "What did you feel? Meaning symptoms."
Isa held one hand to the base of her neck, "That I can remember more clearly; Hunger. Like I haven't eaten in days. Thirst like I had drank cinnamon, And this ungodly fever felt like I was in a jungle in the middle of summer."
Again writing bullet points, Lilith raised more questions to herself than the Interview could answer. "Anything more, perhaps anything that could be dubbed ridiculous but present while infected?"
Sparing another moment of thought, The Lamia could not bring forth anything else. Isa shook her head, "No, im sorry, thats all I can remember."
Lilith folded shut her notepad, "Thank you for your time, Miss Isa." Lilith took a moment to skim a clipboard hanging from Asia's temporary crib, "Pretty name, how is it pronounced? After the continent?"
"Oh. No. It is pronounced 'Ah-zee-ah'." Isa corrected, "Thanks for stopping by."
Lilith bowed her head, "The pleasure to further my research was mine. Good Day." The Lich turned on her heel and exited the room, closing the door not quite softly enough.
Asia first stirred, and then to her mother's dismay, began to wail. "Dammit, Lilith!" Isa growled, then hung her head in defeat and pulled herself out of bed, "Well at least I can leave in a few hours."

Later in the day, Isa carried Asia through the city, earning the admiration and congrats of random strangers on her way to visit her Father and Mother-in-law. Not seeing any sign of the Demon Lord in the throne room, Isa showed herself into the Guardian's HQ following the noise of what could be a fight or gamble.
Entering the cafeteria, Asia wiggled and cooed in her blanket. Isa watched from the end of the hallway unnoticed as Zenia was locked in an arm wrestling match with a gruff-looking man in black, glowing armor. Filling the table's seats were two other men, One staring intensely and the other making half the noise of the group. Isa's father was sat next to Zenia, leaning back to observe the match with a glass of sake in one hand.
"Come on, Helena, there's two of you in that clunky suit, wheres your muscle in that armor?" Zenia taunted, her muscles flexed as she pushed against Helena's grasp.
"I havent even started, Helena says." Lars translated, dropping a helmet with glowing eyes onto his head, "She also says; 'Now that i can see straight, Ive got a better chance!' Fight back, Helena!" The german cheered his ghost wife, acting as no more than framework.
Zenia blinked her eye as sweat began to drip down her brow, "Im not going to tap out, i may be alive- Unlike you -but i still have a long ways to go!" She spat back through gritted teeth and determination. Helena's glow intensified, Zenia's veins became hot.
"Should i come back another time....?" Isa announced herself, turning heads and bringing the match to a complete stop, "Or....?"
Zenia and Helena released each other, Zenia filled with glee while helena removed her helmet and faced her husband underneath. "Dont worry wife, You will go again another time." Lars reassured helena, patting her steel 'Head.'
"Isa! They let you out!" Zenia Embraced Isa, careful not to squish Asia. Nicholas stood from his chair and hugged them both.
"Yeah, Turns out i can recover from labor quicker than the average." Isa let her parents hang onto her, "Please dont squish Asia, its only her second day on earth."
Nick took a half step back, "Are you sure you should be out with her? Doesnt her immune system need time to adjust?"
Isa sniled and shook her head, "We arent humans dad, we have the strongest Immune systems on the planet. See?" She held Asia nose-to-nose with the infant's ageless grandfather, Asia cooed in surprise.
"Oy Nick, she your kid or second gal?" Marcus piped up from his record long silence.
Nick shot the austrailian a look, "No, this is my daughter, Isa." Isa cradled Asia and waved her free hand As Nicholas placed his hand on her head, "And this is my Grand-daughter Asia." He added, gently touching the blanket bundle of baby snake.
"Helena would like to see the child." Lars spoke on his wife's behalf.
Isa looked around, "Where is she?"
Lars plopped Helena's 'head' onto his own, and the armor began to glow, "Her spirit lives in my armor, never far away." Lars explained, letting Helena take control.
Isa, Despite her confusion, still nodded her head, "I suppose so, be gentle though."
Helena placed her left hand on her breastplate and raised her right, palm open, the gesture an agreeing promise. Carefully, Hekena approached and wiggled a finger before Asia's face, the armor links squeaking from the motion. Asia stretched out her hands, trying to grab the glowing finger. Helena retracted her finger, vibrated with joy, and hastily bowed in thanks. "Me and Helena both thank you for allowing us to see your firstborn, Isa." Lars thanked, removing the helm and tucking it under his arm.
"It's no problem to me, i need to make some friends while i live here. What about you two?" The new mother asked the two men still sitting at the table.
"You up for it, mate?" Marcus chugged the rest of his beer, "I know i am."
Steel shrugged, "Got some work on Helena's gauntlet and Nicholas' sword coming but ive got time." The irishman followed Marcus around the table, the two looked down at the bundled Asia, "Oh shes got your eyes, Isa, Definetly." Steel complimented.
"Aye, look at the little monster, i think she likes me!" Marcus boasted as Asia flopped her arms aimlessly in his general direction.
"Okay, please dont crowd me." Isa pulled herself a few inches back from discomfort, still unaccustomed to tight groups.
Steel put up his hands, "No problem, youre probably still a bit touchy from delivering her, i wont contest."
"Yeh, me either, go knock em dead." Marcus agreed, tucking his hands into his vest pockets.
"I doubt the attack yesterday is weightless on your mind, darling. Take your time." Nick reassured his daughter, but his wife felt a shock run down her spine.
"What?" Zenia snapped, "She was Attacked? When?!" The Salamander became unstable.
Nicholas wrinkled his brow, "I thought Lilith would have told you?"
"No!" Zenia held out her arms, incredulous, "She didnt tell me anything besides Isa went into labor and you were there! Isa, let me see you, sweetie, are you and Asia okay?"
"Mom, we're okay, i swear, otherwise i wouldnt be here, id still be in the ICU." Isa attempted to reassure Zenia and calm her, but to no avail.
"What happened? tell me everything, everything you know, anything new, i wont let you out of my sight." Zenia gripped the handle of her katana, strung with worry and anger.
"Well...." Isa started, her mother in law's presence rather tense for her liking, "Father's eyes have turned red. Thats pretty new."
Zenia raised an eyebrow, then turned and stared deep into Nick's eyes. Sure enough, despite the Samurai's confused face, his irises were ruby red.
"Heyyyy youre an Incubus! Youre officially one of us now, Honorary citizen and husband to a manon!" Marus pointed at nicholas, raising his confusion.
Nick shook his head, "I havent the slightest idea what you babble about."
"It means, Guardian Nicholas," Steel began, "Youve coupled with a Mamon- Your Wife i hope -enough that the Mana in the air is ingrained in your body." The blacksmith twirled one of his hands, "Think of it as being an olympic athlete without the work. if you were olympian before, youre double that now. may as well be superman without the powers."
Marcus drew a large hunting knife from inside of his vest, "Have a gander, mate, hope you dont miss your old color." Offering the blade to Nick handle-first.
Nicholas cautiously took the knife, tilted the blade and observed his reflection. Nearly startled, His confusion subsided. "I think it makes you even more irresistible." Zenia commented, "Im going to escort Isa home, im not taking any risks."
Isa sighed, "oh come on."
Zenia shook a finger at Isa, "Dont you give me that young lady, i refuse to play with those types of people again, we left it in japan but who knows. Now March." Isa and Zenia left the HQ, leaving nick to stare into his own eyes, fixated by fascination of his new feature.

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