Chapter 5

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Today it was kind of quiet, but I followed Neko-chan around the house for a bit, and I ended up finding him sitting on the deck staring greedily at the birds on the lawn eating away at the bread I threw out earlier.

Slowly, he moved forward, and waited for the right time to leap at the birds and take his kill.

He moved forward a bit slowly, and suddenly a young bird jumped forward a bit and was only about a meter away from Neko-chan.

3, 2, 1.... Neko-chan leaps....... and misses.

All the birds fly away in terror and Neko-chan is left empty handed.

He wanders back inside and lies in the floor and sleeps.

This has been a day in the life of Neko-chan.

A day in the life of Neko-chanWhere stories live. Discover now