Good News, Smile!

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~Timeskip to 4 weeks later cause I'm that lazy >:3~

Your PoV:

I felt, like shit. It wasn't as bad as when I had that disease, but it was bad. I was throwing up more, I had mood swings, I was eating stuff I didn't know would taste good. I went to the nearest doctor and they told me I had a stomach virus.

Fucking fantastic. And while I'm on my period too! Plus, the weird thing is that the blood is white. Yes I took another test, it was negative. Charlie told me to get lots of rest while Vaggie and Husker took care of me.

Vaggie would bring me food and medicine to hopefully make me feel better, Husker made sure to take me to the bathroom and near a window so I could get fresh air after.

Even though I was in hell, the air smelled fresh of death and chaos. It somehow calmed me. Charlie and Nifty took care of me once in a while too, but not long.

Charlie had to make sure everyone demon was happy with their rooms and the hotel, while also calming me down when I snap. I guess being the daughter of Satan isn't as easy as it looks.

Nifty made sure to clean up any messes Husker forgot to clean, she also offered to read me stories and sing to me whenever I felt sad. She was so cute, she even hugged me but made sure to he careful.

The other two couldn't because Alastor had to attend a meeting and Valentino wanted to take Angel for a bit. I was sad about it yeah, but they have their own things to do-

I covered my mouth as I gagged, Husker ran over and ran to the restroom immediately. Also due to my sickness, my legs turned numb and I couldn't move them. Fantastic isn't it? I threw up shortly after seeing the toilet.

Nifty cleaned up right away. Husker rubbed my back as I threw up more, telling me it's going to be okay. I just glared at him as my voice sounded hoarse. "O-oh yeah? Well you try being as sick as me while also bleeding down from your dick!"

"But you don't have one.." He groaned out. I hissed a little and growled. Only to cough and throw up again, Charlie then walked in. "Y/N, you've been like this for 4 weeks now!" "Your point is?!" I growled.

"I think it's time you see the doctor, a professional this time!" My mind went to Casey, I immediately started crying and shook my head. "Don't worry! He is gone now! And this time, me and Husker won't leave the room!"

"O-okay.." Husker carried me out to the front as Charlie called her limo. Nifty stayed behind to watch over the hotel, I didn't think it was a good idea. That was until I saw most demons were afraid of her.

Nifty hugged me before I left. It has been a few minutes now and the limo still wasn't here, I felt both sad and angry at that before looking at Charlie. She was still on the phone, and it sounded like she was calmly arguing with someone.

"Is that the driver..?" She nodded. "He keeps saying he's on break even though he isn't! His break ended an hour ago!" "Put him in speaker.." She did. "Hey! I've already told you 'princess', I'm not coming to pick you up! I'm on-"

"Okay! Listen here you fucking dick, I don't give a shit if you are on break! I am sick-" "-so? You're just si-" "LET ME FUCKING FINISH YOU RUDE FUCKING CUNT BEFORE I COME FIND YOU MY SELF!" "Y-yes ma'am.."

"I may be sick, but I sure as hell know it isn't a virus! I've been like this for 4 weeks and there is no way I'm pregnant cause I already took a test, it said I wasn't! Now get your ass over here before I feed you to the Radio Demon!"

"He doesn't scare me though toots, you probably just have the flu-" "How the fuck can I possibly have the flu if I'm bleeding from my fucking vagina?! NOW GET OVER HERE BEFORE I MAKE SURE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SPEAK OR HAVE KIDS YOU SALTY-"

"I'm actually right a-around the corner ma'am! Haha.." He laughed nervously. "Better fucking be.." I then hung up and smiled at Charlie. "Wow, that was.." "S-sorry.. This pain just really hurts.. " She only nodded and rubbed my back.

I then saw the limo, the driver looked nervous as we made eye contact. He then opened the door for us, Charlie let me in first. We drove to the hospital and I immediately felt like throwing up, but I swallowed it down.

We then made it as we rushed in. Well, they rushed and Husker carried me. "Hello, what can I do for you-" The nurse stopped when seeing me. "The Y/N-" "YES! NOW HURRY PLEASE I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME-"

I then passed out right there.

~Timeskip to a few minutes~

What the fuck happened? I felt something cold and smooth rubbed around my stomach, I heard a small heartbeat. Are they checking me? What for..? I whined as I opened my eyes, it was kinda dark.

"Good to see you awake, I have some good news!" The nurse said. "Eh?" "Turns out, you aren't sick!" I sighed in relief, before flinching. She and Charlie smiled widely at me.

"Uh, what?" Charlie hugged me tightly, squealing then pointing to a screen on the wall. It was the inside of my stomach. "What-" The nurse then pointed to something small. "Can you see it? The little foot?-" My heart skipped a beat.

"Wait... Am I-" "Congratulations Y/N L/N, you're pregnant!"


A/N: Haha! I'm so mean ;D! Next chapter will come out soon! And by soon, I mean in an hour or two..

Just a small warning, it will be a sad chapter.. Sorry..

Would you guys like to know the gender though :)?

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