From Fun to Frightened

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Charlie's PoV:

I was so glad Y/N was back and not dead! I don't know what I'd do without her, she's my best friend. "Oh Charlie sister~!" Oh great. I turned to face Ash who just grinned at me.

"What do you want?" "Oh, no need to get so hissy! I just had an idea-" "I don't want any part of it-" "Let me finish, an idea to help Y/N get better!"

Get better? What are they on about? I couldn't tell what expression they were making with their hair in front of their eyes. "We should plan a whole day full of fun activities that she enjoys! She has missed out a lot"

Do I trust this- "Now you don't have to, I never said you had to be involved!" I thought I said to- "Stop reading your mind? Yeah no" They grin grew but vanished.

"I'll give you time to think about it, dear!" They walked off to leave me with my thoughts. It wasn't a bad idea, but it wasn't a good one either. I just don't trust it.

As I walked to Y/Ns room I heard the sound of laughter so full of joy. Oh no Y/N! I rushed to her room and slammed the door open "What's going on in here?!"

Ash waved and Y/N giggled "Oh hey Charlie-" "What the fuck..? Since when were you able to talk?!" She pointed at my sibling who shrugged and help up a candle with some scents.

"What did I say about using your dark magic, Ash?! That's how you killed our parents!" They shrugged and nudged Y/N. "Hey at least she can talk now right?"

I felt unsure about this but was glad to hear her voice again, but it sounded more angelic than before. Does this mean she can continue singing..? Ash nodded.

"God damnit stop reading my mind!" They laughed and stood up to dismiss themselves. Y/N smiled at me, a gentle smiled and explained that we all were going out later. Damn you, Ash..

"You should start getting dressed then, if you need any help with anything just call either of us!" She nodded and got up to get ready, I left and closed the door behind me to give her privacy.

Ash popped up at the end of the stairs to greet me in a polite manner. "This is so unlike you.." They shrugged with a grin. "Just trying to be more friendly and gentle since she did just come from the hospital!"

We talked for a few minutes till Y/N came downstairs all dolled up. "So where did you say we were going again, Ash?" They smiled and opened the front door before gasping. "Oops! Can't forget our masks!" Right, fuck this virus man!

After driving around for a while we eventually made it to the mall, and right next to it was a festival. Sweet. Y/Ns face was full of wonder and excitement to which me and Ash fist bumped.

We let Y/N guide us around the mall and secretly got her what she wanted even though it was too much, but we cared about her so it was fun.

Y/N asked if we were hungry and went to the food court, Ash went to the bathroom. I helped Y/N order and she eventually got noticed by the people working there.

I explained she needed time to recover and not have them draw much attention. They understood and continued their job.

Thank goodness. Just as the food arrived Ash come running toward us and sat down pretty quick with their stomach growling. "Did you not eat this morning?!" Ash grinned at Y/N who simply shared her food.

I got light food since I am watching my weight, on the other hand Y/N was skinny as fuck. She could eat a whole Thanksgiving dinner by herself and not gain weight which I am impressed by.

Ash helped her walk the rest of the way to the festival since she was feeling light headed and that got me worried but she said she was fine. Once we arrived the fun began.

We played tons of game and went on a few rides, even winning Y/N a few prizes. Some of her fans that were there helped too. It was loads of fun.

Your PoV:

"Hey Ash, think you can go get me another bag of cotton candy? I already finished mine!" They nodded and rushed to wait in line.

Charlie sat me down as I started getting headaches and cramps, maybe I was moving to fast. I thanked her before going to play more games.

Her and Ash stayed near me at all time in case anything went wrong, well something did. As I was playing the test your strength thing a man came up to help.

"Do you need help with that, babe~?" "No I think I got it! Thank you though-" Then it hit me, the way he said it. And how it sounded. There is no way he is alive.

My body turned cold as I felt two arms snake around my waist and held my hands, which held the large hammer. I was frozen with fear.

"Your bodys shaking, are you feeling alright~?" He lifted my hands with his and slammed the hammer down, hitting the bell at top.

The worked applaud and handed me a stuffed bear only to have him grabbed it and hold it for me. "Are you not gonna look at me?"

I swallowed the scream I wanted to let out and looked back. His black eyes stared deep into mine with the same insanity he had. By now there was a crowd and he glanced at them.

"There is nothing here to see folks, just hugging my beautiful girlfriend is all! So go back to doing what you were doing! Haha!"

My eyes locked in with someone in the crowd, I tried to tell them I need help and they understood. To my surprise it was an officer.

He helped out the situation and I was returned to Charlie and Ash who hugged me close, I noticed how strange Ash was staring at Casey. They even moved their hair to the side but from my angle I couldn't see their eyes.

In a heartbeat he was the one shaking as Ash stared intensely at him, he then ran with the cops after him.

Once we arrived back at home I wished to be alone and headed to my room, locking the door behind me as tears brought their way to my eyes and down my cheeks.

I changed into my pjs and face planted on my bed with so many thoughts and questions stuck in my head.

How the hell is he still alive?! He died in front of me! In front of everyone! He was fucking shot and stabbed multiple times! Even his parents invited me to his funeral so wtf?!

A/N: Dun! Dun! Dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

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