Childhood Memories

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                   I was awoken by the sunlight filtering in thought the leaves. I stretched out as I felt my limbs pop. I was sleeping in a weird position. I almost fell out of the tree when I realized I was going to be late for the attack. I leaped into the air, flying quickly to where we agreed to meet.

                    A storm began to brew in the sky when I landed. I walked up to them as they turned to look at me. "Change of plans..." Eden walked towards me. "We're just sending you and Boat...Everyone else will be a spell made by me. They will be random, because we don't want them finding out about Evil you and Ritchie do we?" I nodded. When you get captured, you will be our spy." He grinned evilly. "Since your brother is a guild leader, he will vouch for you. Jp will also vouch for your 'reforming'. You will join Divinus Magia as a guild leader. You will keep us updated on what's happening with the guild leaders, Deal?" He asked. I nodded again. "Good. We will attack when the time is right...Now go, our puppet." I forced myself to bow and fly away.

                Me and Boat nodded to each other as the storm unleashed its rage on the island. Boat murmured a spell as the water level rose higher. I shouted a spell of my own. "Havens Whirlwind!" A tornado with a explosion in the middle was created. It hit with a loud bang. The illusions that Eden made were already on the ground attacking anything and everything they saw. So people came running out of almost every building. I caught sight of my brother in the chaos.

             I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at Eden's copy. "Go...fight him..." He whisper in my ear. I felt body moving on its own.

              I heard myself say, "Sky Vectors!" I watch helplessly as I aim them directly at Ritchie. I let them go. Thankfully, he dodged them all. He looked up to see where the attack came from. The torture had one effect on me. I listen to commands like a well trained dog. It doesn't happen very often but I hate when it does. I can't control my own body till I snap out of it.

           Me and Ritchie locked eyes. I see his eyes widen in shock. I felt myself smirk, when in my mind I was frowning. I didn't want to fight my twin. I watched myself float down in a air bubble. When I landed, Ritchie asked, "B-brother...?" Not believing what he was seeing.

           I snapped out of my trance as my face darkened. I let all those years of torture and torment consume me. I knew I needed this to look convincing. I blocked out what I heard last night and just focused on the pain. I glared at him as I hissed "The Brandon you knew died, when his hope of being save died." I summoned a tornado. He dodged it. His eyes traveled around my body. Taking in every scar you could see with my clothes on.

"Brandon...I-" Ritchie tried to say something but I cut him off.

"No! You left me to rot for years! You don't know how much pain I was in!" I screamed. I felt my markings come out. He also activated his demon slayer form. I kept attacking him. He kept dodging but he did send a few lightning bolts at me. One hit me but didn't effect me. My attacks weren't effective either. We were in a stalemate in magic.

I realized that this was pointless, so I started hand-to-hand combat with him. He was surprised at first but quickly caught on. We were equally skilled at that also. We were fighting for awhile before we thrown each other backwards. We both were tired and running out of mana. We just looked at each other.

Ritchie had blood running down his face from a broken nose I gave him. I spat out blood. I bit my cheek when he punched me. Ritchie started to speak again. "Brandon please! Just listen to me! I thought you were dead...seeing you alive makes me the most happiest I been in years....but not like this. Why-" He's cut off by a shadow ball hitting me.

            I got knocked to the floor. I turn around to see Michael standing there with the other guild leaders. I turn to glare at Ritchie. "Liar." I growled. I looked around to find I was the only one left. I tried to stand up, only to fall. I didn't realize how tired I was.  I got into a standing position with my legs wobbling.

          I got into a very unstable fighting position. "Give up. We don't want to hurt you." Bri shouts as she prepares a spell.

         "Stop! Guys wait, he's my brother!" Ritchie yells as he stands in front of me. I felt myself collapse on to my knees. I let all the rage my heart held for him go. I look at him remembering our childhood. I remembered that day as I stood in front of him protectively. My markings disappeared as I lifted my hands singling that I surrender.

            Everyone who could see me looked at me confused. Ritchie turn around to see me. I felt water swell up in my eyes as I looked at him. He knelt down and hugged me. I hugged him tightly as he cried into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry..." He sobbed. "I should have saved you..." I hushed him. 

           We sat there for awhile in comfortable silence before someone said "Ahem" I let Ritchie go as I was put into cuffs. I looked at Ritchie with sad eyes as I was led away to line up with the captured illusions. Illusion Eden said something to the guild leaders before the illusions disappeared. I was the only one standing there. Boat was unconscious on the ground.

           "Well...we got two I guess..." Silver said trying to lighten the mood. I look down and stayed silent. 

            "Don't count my brother in with them! He was forced." Ritchie snapped.

             "Ritchie. Calm down. He is just trying to help." Micheal said.

            "Clam down! How can I calm down! They took my brother, tortured him and they forced him to fight me. All the while, I thought he was dead!" I remembered something that would calm Ritchie if he got out of control as a child. I started to softy sing the lullaby that our mother used to sing to us when we were little.

         Everyone was focused on Ritchie and Silver. I sang a little louder as I walked slowly towards Ritchie.  Ritchie froze mid-sentence when he heard my song. He slowly turned to me. I had stopped walking and was standing there singing.

           " You remember it." Everyone began to question what Ritchie meant. I nodded while I sang. I saw the anger drain away from his eyes as I continued to sing. "Our mother used to sing us a lullaby when we were young...I forgotten it...till Brandon brought it up. She used to sing it if we were cranky or out off control." Ritchie chuckle at the memory. "How do you still remember it?" He asked curiously.

          "I used to sing it at night after..." I hesitated. "After...I was...tortured." Ritchie face darkened for moment, before it became a frown.

          "You two can talk more when he's in a cell. His wrists are turning red." Bri pointed out. I looked down at my wrists. Sure enough, they were red. Must of been moving around too much, I think.

          "Ok...but he's staying in our cells. I'm not losing him again." Ritchie told Bri. She nodded. "If you want, you could join our guild, but I would have to get approved by Grandmaster Jonathan." Ritchie suggests. "We could have two guild leaders!"

         "I would love to." I smiled at him. This is the first real smile I've had in a long time. I keep smiling but I think back to the plan. Am I really going to betrayed my brother or will I be forced to?

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