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Word Count: 22864. This chapter is long as hell I know and also smut warning. I wrote this at like 3am with a random idea for a chapter

Zelda held her head high as she walked along the corridor, keeping her expression neutral but inside she was seething.

Old laws be damned, if her people were in need of water the Zora should be kind enough to help. So much for the stories of the water dwellers compassion and generosity.

Link hummed at her side. He'd watched the abysmal court proceedings and for once thankful he couldn't speak. Politics was the one type of battle he didn't want to face.

Zelda turned to her adopted brother and grimaced.

'It's just not fair! If the water crisis carries on, then Hyrule could lose the winter harvest and that could lead to people actually dying!'

Poor Zelda, she had only been queen for a year if that and this would be her first big crisis she'd have to face. Link took her hand in his and gave her a determined nod. He'd be there for her and he wanted her to know that.

She lightened up then, a small smile gracing her face as they walked towards their adjoining quarters. As her royal knight, he didn't sleep very far away from her. The building they were set up in was once a farmhouse but had been converted into a mini fortress for the talks with the Zora royal family.

Set just on the borders of the Zora domain, close enough that Link could see the spirally towers that marked the entrance. Only Zora could enter the domain and so the Hylian court was forced to set up camp just outside its borders.

'The King is stubborn, but if we could get closer to the siblings, they're around our age. I'm sure we could convince them to help. I know from the Gerudo that Mipha is old enough to enact her own will in certain cases' Zelda hummed, trying to come up with a plan.

Link nodded. The royal siblings were both beautiful Zora, the same red patterning but an air of grace about them that even Zelda couldn't match yet. The elder sister Mipha had been present at the first meeting and had been very kind throughout.

Then this second meeting the king had been accompanied by his youngest. Prince Sidon. Handsome, smart and equally as kind as his sister. Link had had trouble focusing on the court proceedings when Sidon flashed that smile of his.

Link came to a stop when he realized Zelda was no longer walking with him. He turned to see her staring out the window towards the entrance.

'It's the Prince's birthday soon. I'm sure whatever event the kingdom is going to throw would be a perfect chance to gain knowledge.' She said, thoughtfully.

And then she groaned loudly as she flopped on the window sill.

'But it's hopeless without a miracle.' She lamented. Finally following Link and turning in for the night.

Link laid in bed, staring at the ceiling and sighing. It was obvious from the gossip their guard managed to gather that Prince Sidon was having a ball thrown for his birthday, apparently 101 was a big year for Zora.

Zelda had written that down in her leather book of 'things I should know about Zora' it was her lifeline and Link wished he could help.

Morning rays of sunlight were the first thing to stir Link from his rest, the second was Zelda barging into is room, small blue book in hand and a determined expression on her face.

'I think I might be on to something.' She said. Her quill in one hand as a handmaiden came in with a tray of food. Steamed fish and vegetables.

The handmaiden graciously looked away as Link tried to throw on his tunic. Honestly his sister had no mind sometimes.

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