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Jeon Jungkook was a perfectionist when it came to competition and appearance. He cared about how he looked more then he should; now he wasn't obsessed, but he might as well be. He went to the gym on a constant basis. He was a physical trainer so being away from the gym wasn't foreign. Either the trainees would have him come over their house, or he'd meet them at the gym.

This time of the year he had a lot of clients, it was almost summertime so getting back into shape to lose those extra 5 to 10 pounds were expected. Contrary to Jungkook having the perfect body, his boyfriend was everything he wasn't.

Kim Taehyung loved to eat a lot, he was a foodie with a bohemian style one that Jungkook to this day can't understand how he even fell for the odd male. He was imperfectly perfect in his eyes. Taehyung tried going to the gym once, frankly he didn't need to lose weight he was thinner then Jungkook. He just didn't have the muscles Jungkook possessed. He hated it, too much sweating. A workout at a gym was something Taehyung preferred not to sweat over. Jungkook found it heart-warming that Taehyung at least tried doing the hobbies Jungkook was into, just the gym was not one of them. But.. Jungkook did have a gym partner, which he had more in common with then he thought.

Park Jimin

Park Jimin and Jungkook's body didn't really differ from each other. Just Jungkook was taller, other then that Park Jimin in Jungkook's eyes had a nice body. He was a bit petite and his height just added to the notion "fun size". That was the nickname Jungkook gave to Jimin when they first met, the older found it cute. Over time they grew close as friends, they'd call and text - Jungkook started to feel a bit guilty, should he tell Taehyung? I mean him and Jimin are just friends. What if Taehyung and him are out and they run into Jimin? Seoul was a small place after all.

But that was only a small fraction of the issue. The part that makes Jungkook feel like an ass if the fact that he can't stop thinking about Jimin in the late hours of the night, when the older comes out of the shower at the gym. Even the long stolen glances of him working out. Clouds of lust linger in his mind he felt horrible. All the more reason to tell Taehyung, right? Just one more small issue. Taehyung is feeling the same affect.

Jimin comes in from time to time to the library. Taehyung isn't sure if the male is doing it on purpose. At first when Jimin would come in he wore oversize sweaters and was shy. Taehyung thought it was cute at first. But ever since Jimin met that Kim Seokjin, his style grew

Jimin would wear leather jackets with tight shirts showing the muscles imprinting through the material. Long sleeve-collared shirts leaving a few buttons undone, showing that milky-cream neck and collarbones. Necks and Collarbones were a weakness for Taehyung. Whenever Taehyung and Kookie got physical Kookie was marked up and down with love-bites on his neck. It was so bad his job thought he was being abused, you can imagine how embarrassed he was having to tell them the misunderstanding.

So no more necks for Tae-Tae!

But that didn't stop the other from salivating at Jimin's. When Jimin wore the sweaters, they were passed his bum, but now. That ass is on full display along with those luscious thighs. Taehyung has to go to the bathroom at least twice to "relief" himself. The petite male was a tease in every way, and he damn well knew it.

Taehyung knew that Kim Seokjin had dark vibes, he was right. He has corrupted Jimin, turning him into a sexy monster that Taehyung is trying his hardest not to dominate. Taehyung was fighting a battle alone, he couldn't tell Jungkook. The younger would go into a jealous frenzy if Taehyung really look too long at another male. He suffered in silence, using anything and everything to distract him from the temptation that is Park-fucking-Jimin!


(a/n: so this story takes place a month before Namjoon and Jin start dating in Numb. They're still in their hook-up phase. I should have wrote this a while ago, but whatever lol. Enjoy!)

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