Chapter 1

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"Why don't you just go talk to him, bro?" A dark-haired boy asks.

The blonde kid sitting next to said boy stares at him, "Hanta, are you an idiot?"


The blonde sighs, "If I could just talk to him, maybe I wouldn't be sitting here with you." He pauses, "No offense."

Sero puffs out a cloud of smoke from an obvious substance in his hand, "None taken."

Kaminari leans back into the tattered couch and tries to think of some way to talk to his silent crush. His eyes trail from the cluttered table in front of him then to the mass of drunk and high toddlers- I mean teens, dancing and grinding on each other in the middle of the already crowded main living space. He then scans the room for the guy he's been wanting to ask out for months. Low and behold, there he is, across the room, leaning against a wall on his phone, seeming bored of the party. There's a girl from the general studies department chatting him up, though he doesn't seem to be listening.

"You're staring." Sero coos, drawing out the 'ing' in the last word.

Kaminari blinks and looks back down at the cluttered table and grabs his almost empty solo cup and throws back the drink. Wiping his mouth with the excess fabric on his long-sleeved loose button-down, he stands up and heads to the tiny kitchen. Beer pong players shout and scream along with their crowd as Denki pushes pass to the countertop next to the fridge. Opened beers and solo cups scattered about the messy marble counter. He almost feels bad for the kid who's inevitably going to have to clean this up before their parents come home. Grabbing one of the last unopened beers, Kaminari cracks it open and chugs half of it. He needs some liquid courage if he's going to talk to his crush.

Walking back to the crouch, he finds Mina where he was once sitting with none other than Hitoshi Shinso being held hostage. Kaminari gulps and sets his beer down on the glass coffee table.

"Hey, Kaminari!" Mina shouts over the music, "I thought you would never come back to us!"

Kaminari waves a hand at her, "Oh hush, I could never leave the boys hanging!"

Mina clears her throat playfully, "You mean boy and LADY."

"Uh-huh," Denki waves for her to move, "Scooch, fat ass."

Mina pretends to be offended, "How DARE you!"

Denki rolls his eyes and sits on her lap. The latter squirms beneath the other, hitting Kaminari's sides lightly. Giggling Mina shouts, "Get off me, dammit!"

Denki only leans further into her, completely forgetting his crush his sitting inches away, on the same piece of furniture, witnessing whatever this is. Said crush raises a brow and watches as Mina tries to push the blonde off of her.

Sero leans over, a particular glass instrument in one hand, "Your crush is watching you, bro!"

Kaminari's playfulness quickly turns into embarrassment as the words sink in. He glances at the purple-haired man to his left, who seems amused, then turns to Sero mortified, "Oh my god, my crush is watching me."

Sero laughs and hands Kaminari the glass pipe, "Just smoke it off, you'll be fine!"

Kaminari shakes his head and pushes the bong back to his friend, "Not right now! I don't wanna get crossfaded!"

Sero leans back and takes a big hit, coughing for a moment before smiling, "Whatever you say, bro."

Mina tugs on Kami's shirt, grabbing his attention, "Hey, nows your chance to talk to shy boy!" 

Kaminari gulps and nods before turning to Shinso, who is now looking at his phone once more. Taking a deep breath, the blonde taps on his crush's shoulder, "Hey, Shinso!"

Shinso looks up to the latter for a moment, with a small wave.

Kaminari almost sighs at the lack of response. Shaking his head lightly to clear his thoughts he presses forwards with the growing conversation, "It's rare to see you at these parties. What made you come?"

Shinso looks in front of them out into the crowd. Kaminari notices this and worriedly scans the crowd, periodically glancing back at the other. After a brief moment of this, Shinso looks down at his phone, avoiding all eye contact, "I got a few messages from some people."

Kaminari's heart sinks for a moment. Who are these people?

"Oh, well, it's nice seeing you here. I thought parties weren't your scene?"

Without hesitation, Shinso replies, "They're not."

The latter looks around, trying to think of something. What does he even say to that?

"Well, um..." Kaminari starts to speak with no clear direction, "I'm guessing Mina dragged you over here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, um.." Kaminari looks between the other and the crowd, "I just seen that you were over on the other side of the room earlier. I just thought that... y'know."

Shinso looks up at the blonde, some confusion shown on his face, "I know...?"

Kaminari panics, "Never mind! I- Uh-... You know what just forget I ever said anything."

"Oooookay..?" Shinso looks back down to his phone.

Kaminari looks away towards Sero, mentally cursing himself. Trying to regain some lost confidence, he takes a deep breath and turns to Shinso. Smiling brightly, the blonde tucks a stray hair behind his ear, "I know this isn't really your scene but um.."

Shinso glances up at the panicked teen, concern flashing over his bored expression. Mina, getting tired of these two, pushes Kaminari off of her and up on his feet. She playfully scolds her friend, "The hell you still doing here, boy!" She turns to Shinso, "What he's trying to say is, will you go dance with him?"

Kaminari blushes madly, "Mina!"

Shinso looks between the friends, eyebrow quirked. He lets out a heavy sigh as he clicks off his phone and shoves it into his pants pocket. Pushing himself up off the ratty old couch, he runs a hand through his hair, his eyes shut. He lazily peeks one eye open, seeming unimpressed, "Fine."

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