the "date". 8

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It was about a few days after the incident, since there isn't a concept of time im not sure how long its been exactly.
I mostly stayed quiet and stuck near camp,
i havent ran into Susie since then luckily.

"Hey, (y/n) how are you doing?"
Nea asked while wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"Im doing better than before."
I looked at her and half heartedly smiled, she smiled back at me with her signature grin she always used.

"Well, im glad to hear that!" She chuckled, which in turn made me smile more.

We've been here for who knows how long, and it never gets better, but she still has the will to keep going. To keep trying to be happy, i admire her for that.

"Do you want to head down to the border together?" She seemed nervous while asking, but i simply nodded, and we started to take the familiar route down to the border.

While walking, instead of sitting in silence, we decided to come up with puns and mess with each other. Laughing like idiots while being stuck in this miserable world, we almost seemed to forget that we were stuck.

We stopped, finding and laying down on top of a small hill where the view of the sky wasn't blocked by the trees. It seemed peaceful. Even tho we were tired of the darkness of night, the sky was beautiful.
Stars gleeming brightly, clouds hovering ever so lightly, the moon full.

By just staring at it, hope could almost return to you, but sadness also mixed the feeling of peace. We are stuck here, we will never get to see our families, friends or anyone but each other ever again. It's not like we all had many people in the real world to begin with. That's why i tried to end it all in the first place, right?
Even though i have been here for a while. None of my questions seemed to have been answered.

Is there a way out of this hell hole?

I want to know, but im afraid of the answer.

I looked over at Nea, her eyes wide, reflecting the stars she stared at.
Could love exist in this messed up world?
I care about all of the people I've come to know, but what about love?

Maybe it does, or maybe im just naive.

"Hey (y/n)? Did you have a partner in the real world? Like someone you could trust more than anyone?" I giggled at how sudden the question was.

"No, actually. I was alone, i never really had anyone. My parents died while i was a child, and i ran away from my foster home a few years later."

"Im sorry, i didn't mean to bring up bad memories."
I smiled at her.

"No, its fine. The past is in the past now."

She nodded her head and grabbed my hand.

"How did you end up here anyways?"

I tensed up at her question.
The thought pierced me as if the blade was still inside me.

"Its ok now, you're not alone anymore." She rolled over and pulled me towards her.

We layed there just hugging until an all to familiar black smoke surrounded me.
I sighed as the feeling of her hug dissipated, and the cold air of the entity realm replaced it.

Once again, i was within this 'game'. Im tired of this place, but honestly, im getting use to it at the same time. I looked around me at the forest i have appeared within, i took a couple steps.

I stopped dead in my tracks, eyes wide, unable to move. I didn't know how to feel.

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