Chapter 1. Where are we? (Edited)

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It  has been 12 years since the wei ying or you all could say wei wuxian died. Lan zhan had been mourning over him for all this year. Today lan zhan was teaching the juniors when the the door suddenly opened  startling everyone. Everyone turned to see a yong guy who looked like he was 18 years old. The shocking thing was he was wearing lan sect uniform. Lan zhan asked the young guy "Who are you?". He replied "You all will know who I am but right now Im here to take you." Before anyone could do or say anything the boy snapped his fingers which made a bright light to surround them everyone covered there eyes and making everyone to faint.

Jiang cheng was with jin ling walking through the forest when a boy appeard in front of them out of know where. Jiang cheng was startled he put his hand on his sword. The guy was weraing gusu sect clothes. The boy sanpped his hand before jin ling and jiang cheng fainted.

Lan zhan was the first one to wake up he looked around to see he was in a big room. Lan zhan saw some people that were still fainted. Lan zhan went were his brother was and started to shake him so he could wake up. Brother Xichen woke up slowly to lan zhan with a worried expression. He sat up and looked around to see where they was. Soon everyone started to wake up. Jiang cheng asked looking around seeing there was no exit "Where are we? And what just happened?". Sizuhi, jin ling and jingyi looked around so they could find an exit.

Sizuhi then remembered the young boy "Hanguang-jun it must be that young boy that came during the class. He must have brought us here". Lan zhan nodded at that. Just then one more person appeared. They saw it was Sect leader Nie huaisang with a fan. He looked around to see everyone else. "Sect leader Jiang, where are we?". Jiang cheng said "we don't know a young boy appeared out of no where he was wearing gusu sect clothes. Hanguang jun was this one of your student?". Lan Xhan shaked his head and said "I don't know. Appeared suddenly".

Before anyone could talk more two people appeared wearing gusu sect clothes. Everyone recognized them jin ling asked them with a serious voice "Who are you? And why did you brought us here?". The two boys looked at each other before one of them started speaking "Lan chen courtesy name lan Xiao and this is Lan Fa courtesy name lan fai. Both of us are from the future."

Lan Xichen asked them curiously "Why did you brought us here and were are we?". Lan fai said "This is our house. We brought all of you here to see what will happen in future a year since now." Everyone was still weary of them. Lan Xiao said looking at them "We have taken your sword so that you don't hurt anyone." That's when everyone took a notice that they didn't have their sword with them. Lan zhan felt a little familiarity with one of the boys he didn't know why. Lan xiao said "you can sit down on the place where your name as been written". Everyone walked and sat where there name was.

Jiang cheng and lan zhan notice the name who was going to sit with them. The said the name out loud  so everyone heard them "WEI YING/ WEN NING". Everyone turned to two boy for answer. Lan Xiao said "In future someone brought D..I mean senior wei back to life and senior wen ning was found too. So I want to bring the future them here if all of you agrees." Jiang cheng and jin ling hated them both but without there sword or anything they couldn't fight. All of them nodded there head. Lan fai snapped his fingers and two more figure appeared. One of them was wen ning and other was wei ying. Wei ying and wen ning looked around to see the past self before he stopped and saw the two lan boys. "Lan Xiao, why did you brought us here?" Wei ying asked.

Wen ning went closer to the boys before he pulled lan fai's ear "Lan fai, explain now?". Lan fai exclaimed with being his ear pulled "Oww...ow, Mom I will explain. Everyone else already knew what we were planning". Everyone was shocked from what they heard. Everyone had there mouth open wide when they heard lan fai calling the ghost general mom. Lan fai said while rubbing his ear "We brought them so they could know what was going to happen in future a year from now. Dad and uncle already knew so they gave us the permission". Everyone got over there shock and said in unison "MOM?". That's when   wen ning and others turned to see everyone had a shocked looked.

Lan zhan was happy to see wei ying. Wei ying looked at lan Xiao "You didn't tell them about who your parents are?". Lan xiao looked down shaking his head "We were going to tell them about who are parents were, Dad?".
Wen ning and wei ying introduced themselves again for those he didn't knew about them. Jingyi asked "why do we need to know about there parents?".  Everyone also wanted to know the answer he said "because our husband and there father is present here and it's one of you guys.

Wen ning turned to look at lan fai "Can you change our clothes back please?". lan fai snapped his finger wen ning and wei ying's clothe chnged into gusu sect clothes with ribbon around there head. Lan zhan , brother Xichen and the junior knew what that meant all of them looked shocked when they saw the clothes. Wei ying saw there expression "Before you say anything I will tell you my husband is lan zhan and lan xiao and lan sizuhi is our child". Sizuhi looked was very shocked but didn't say anything. Jin ling pointed his hand at wen ning asking "What about him?".

Wen ning and wei ying looked at each other before wen ning said "I have two husbands. Jiang cheng and lan Xichen are mu husband. Lan fai is our son and Jin ling is also my adopted son". Jiand cheng, Jin ling and lan Xichen looked at each other before they shouted a *What*. Lan zhan didn't know what to do all he could was blush. Jiang cheng  didn't know whether they were pranking him or what. As for jin ling his mind was a mess. But the look said it was true. Lan Xichen was confused as hell.

Lan xiao said "I will tell you since all of you are married. Brother jingyi is married to sect leader nie huaisang. Brother sizuhi is married to brother jin ling". Jingyi and Sect leader Nie huaisang looked at each other before both of them looked away blushing. Nie huaisang covered his face with the fan. Sizuki amd jin ling were also blushing and trying not look at each other. Lan fai said to change the mood " You all are going to be here for few days. And the time had stopped from where you all came from so you don't have to worry." They nodded there head and sat on the place where there name was written.

Sitting arrangements

Jiang cheng | wen ning | Lan Xichen || Jingyi | Nie huaisang

Lan sizuhi | Jin ling || lan zhan | wei ying | Lan Xiao || Lan fai

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