Chapter 7. break time part 3

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Hiii. Here is the new chapter. I also wanted to tell you that WynteryMess is my proofreader.She is the one who edited the chapter. Hope you all enjoy.

Lan jingyi opened his eyes to see that he was in an unfamiliar room. He noticed someone hugging him tightly, and when he turned his head he saw sect leader Nie Huaisang. Jingyi was so flustered that he pushed the Nie sect leader away from him, forgetting about his lan strength. A loud noise came almost immediately after, Huaisang laying groaning on the ground. He rubbed his head and exclaimed "What are you doing pushing me off the bed like that?"

Jingyi was blushing as he stuttered out " w.what ...are you doing in my bed?" Nie Huaisang looked at him with confusion before replying "Did you forgot about yesterday's events?" Jingyi then started remembering everything that happened yesterday "I'm sorry. I had completely forgotten about it. You were hugging me and I got flustered so I.." Jingyi said in an embarrassed tone, face red. Nie huaisang told jingyi to let it go for now. Afterwards they got ready and went out to have breakfast with the others.


Jiang Cheng woke up when he felt someone moving beside him. As soon as he opened his eyes he felt something touch his lips, which made jiang cheng snap his eyes open only to see his so called ‘future husband’ Wen Ning kissing him. As soon as Jiang Cheng opened his mouth to speak Wen Ning put his tongue in his mouth and started to kiss him more deeply, which made Jiang Cheng blush to the core.

He heard someone squeak and in the corner of his eye he saw Lan Xichen, who had just woken up to the sight of two people kissing shamelessly, blush. Wen Ning pulled away after a while, a string of saliva connecting the two of them. Wen Ning did the same thing to Xichen, until he couldn’t take it anymore and fainted. Wen Ning. Who had completely forgotten that the ones he was kissing were his husbands past selves, looked shocked at Lan Xichen’s motionless body that lay in his arms.

Wen ning just then realised and said "Ohh, I completely forgot that you both were from the past and forgot that both of you aren’t used to me kissing you." He said while looking down at Lan Xichen. "You forgot and realised that only after he fainted?" Jiang Cheng asked incredulously. Wen ning just nodded his head at that.

A few minutes later Xichen woke up. After he looked around, confused for a second, he noticed the worried pair of eyes that were looking at him, belonging to Jiang Cheng and Wen Ning. Wen Ning immediately apologised, saying "I'm sorry, I forgot that you were not used to me kissing you.” Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng both noticed that Wen Ning looked really sad while saying that. Lan Xichen felt the urge to make him smile coming to him almost naturally "It's alright, you don't have to worry about me." Lan Xichen said in his usual calming voice. Wen Ning smiled sweetly  at that, which made both Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng their hearts beat a little faster.

Jiang Cheng opened his mouth and asked a question, one that has been running around in his head since yesterday "I have been meaning to ask. They said that you were burned to ashes and I thought you were a fierce corpse.. how are you breathing?" Wen Ning smiled and said "They lied, the jin sect had held me captive and as for how I'm alive its because of a ritual. A few people, including you both, wanted me to live again. The day I was actually alive again for the first time in a long time is also the day I got married to the both of you. Just so I could tell you that I fell in love with you two after we got married. Now lets get ready and have breakfast with the others, we can talk later.” Both of them said nothing but got up and started getting ready alongside Wen Ning.

When they went out of the room they saw everyone was already awake and sitting in the table, watching Wei ying cook breakfast while Sizhui was helping his mom.

Wei ying had woken up to see the others were already awake, so he started making breakfast. When Sizhui came he started helping him. Wei ying was going to cook the food that his shijie always used to make. He wanted his little brother and nephew to taste her cooking. A few minutes later when Wei ying was almost done with making breakfast he saw Wen Ning, Jiang Cheng and Xichen-ge come in. Wen ying looked at them and said “Now that you three are awake come and sit down,  breakfast is almost ready.” All three of them sat down on the empty chairs. Soon the breakfast was ready and served. Jiang cheng noticed everything was what his sister used to cook for their family.

Jiang Cheng looked at the food and then back to his so called brother. Wei ying smiled and replied "Since all of us are going to be here I will cook all the food shijie used to make. I know how much you missed shijie's cooking. So while you and Jin ling are here you can eat all you want."
A single tear left Jiang Cheng's eye, making him quickly look away to hide it. Soon everyone started eating breakfast.

After everyone was done with breakfast Wei ying asked Jiang Cheng "Hey Jiang cheng, lets practice some for old times sake." Jiang cheng said "I don't mind, but where are our swords?" Lan Xiao smiled and said "I will bring both of your swords uncle.”

Lan Xiao went and brought both of their swords. Jiang cheng and Wei ying went out in the open to practice. Everyone else followed behind and sat on the porch, looking at the two practice. Jin Ling was excited to watch, especially because it was his first time seeing his uncles duel each other.
(This fighting scenes is written by WynteryMess👇)

“Prepare to get your ass kicked” Wei ying said with a small smirk. Jiang Cheng scoffed while smirking back at him “Like that will happen.”

Jiang Cheng offered a sword salute with mock seriousness. Wei ying returned it, sloppily, grinning.  They circled, in high guard. Wei ying spoke first, cutting lazily at him. Jiang Cheng parried sharply, frowned, and thrust at him, pulling off-line at the last moment to slap his cheek with the flat.  Startled, Wei ying stepped back, sword held out to keep him at bay. Jiang Cheng slapped his blade aside and thrust. Wei ying parried and tried to counter- thrust, only for the two of them to meet face to face, arms and swords high, each surprised. Wei ying reacted first, using hands and sword grip to pry Jiang Cheng’s sword from his hands. He let it go and grabbed him about the shoulders and drove his knee up. Wei ying twisted just in time, taking the blow to his thigh. “That could have seriously hurt ChengCheng” Wei ying said with a whine, purposely using that nickname to get him mad. Wei ying grabbed his hands, and with main strength, spun him towards the ground and pinned him against it. He struggled in vain.

Wei ying asked “Do you yield?” Jiang Cheng nodded his head and Wei ying let him go. Both of them just then heard clapping sounds. They both turned to see everyone had been watching them. Jin Ling was shocked to see his uncle lose to someone, but he didn’t know much about his other uncle Wei Wuxian, or rather, mom Wei Wuxian, which he had been told to call him.

Lan Fai stood up “We should go and continue watching from where we left of.” Everyone agreed and followed him to the room where they’d be watching again.

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