Chapter 33

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The constant patrolling, this war coming, and this training was taking its toll on the pack. Miley was beginning to worry for her boys as the days ache closer knowing that her boys could get hurt or ....worse...... killed.

Sam and her were actually alone for the first time in a while. Lately it's like she hasn't seen him, except when he's curled up in bed with her at night. She had been thinking that she wanted to take things to the next level with Sam but she just didn't know how to start that. But being alone is good for starters. Her heart felt like it was racing 100 miles a minute she was so nervous and tense.

Sam being so exhausted didn't even seem to sense it. The couple was sitting next to each other on the couch, Miley with her head in his neck and his arm around her. He was actually focused on the movie enjoying not having to work and here she was feeling like a perv.

"Sam?" Miley asked in a soft voice. He had been dozing slightly but came to immediate attention looking at her. She laughed as he jolted surprising her, he laughed lightly too. "Yes Miley?" He asked curious seeing as she was looking at him with big ol puppy dog eyes.

Rather then say anything to him, Miley just leaned in and kissed him. Mind you Miley has never 'made out' with a guy before. But it definitely felt amazing, it was literal butterflies and fireworks. She actually wound up on top of him somehow and realized she had pushed him over when she began to fear she was coming in too strong and stopped.

"Are you okay with this?" Miley asked slightly scared of feeling rejected. "I'm very okay with this" he said clearly enjoying what they were doing. Miley just laughed at his reaction and came back down to kiss him with her long hair cascading around them.

She could feel his hands were dangerously low on her back practically touching her butt. But as if he were worried to cross that line he seemed to be holding back. So Miley took it to the next level to show it was okay by pulling away and trailing her kisses to his neck. She felt him squirming beneath her making her worry she wasn't doing it right. But as Miley's teeth grazed a certain part of his neck a slight growl/groan escapes his mouth.

She could feel him tense up and so she bit down and began sucking on that spot, as a rumbling kept going through his chest. As if she had "unleashed" something Miley felt his hands that had been so timid before grip onto her tightly on the butt pulling her closer to him. She brought her lips back up to his and began kissing him again.

He began to take charge and flipped them so now he was pinning her into the couch. And once his lips hers again she felt his tongue run across her bottom lip and slowly opened her mouth unsure of what she was doing. Their tongues began fighting for dominance as Miley ran her hand through his hair and grasped it roughly and gave it a pull. That earned another growl/groan. Making her feel slightly more confident.

Miley slid her hand down his bare chest and down to his jean shorts before unbuckling them. He pulled away and looked at her almost asking if what they were doing was okay. She just continued to smile at him obviously nervous before kissing him again and helping him with his shorts.

⚠️Everyone was saying they got robbed cause it stopped there so heres an edit.... TW SEGGSUAL CONTENT AHEAD!!!!!!! Skip until you see these emojis again if you don't want to read it...... although we all know you do 😂⚠️

 although we all know you do 😂⚠️

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