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𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 tags : aged upcharacters, fluffpairings : seungho

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tags : aged up
characters, fluff
pairings : seungho

seungmin was busy scrolling through his laptop, eyes fixated on the screen while minho was busy snuggling himself in the comfort of the younger's lap.

they decided to take a week of leave from their busy work schedule and spend time for each other. it's not that the two aren't going for occasional dates every weekend and even do sleepovers simultaneously on their apartments.

but today, today was a bit different.

minho asked seungmin if they could somewhat travel outsude the city and spend the remaining week before thanksgiving. the younger happily agreed and decided he could stay on minho's apartment for tonight and plan the trip together.

that is what seungmin was dreaming earlier.

apparently, his boyfriend only got clingier when they decided to do the planning on the sofa bed on the older's apartment and wouldn't even let go of him. it was supposed to be the two of them looking for a place to stay and creating their itinerary but it ended up with seungmin doing ut alone while minho's face is buried on his neck.

not that seungmin mind, he actually loves it when the older shows his affection into physical things like hugging. normally, they would just jold hands together as they are still not confident on displaying their love.

"babe, how about we go to busan?" seungmin asked and shifting attention to his boyfriend's hair, caressing them gently.

minho just hummed and even snuggled closer to his neck.

"we won't finish anything if you will continue like this, hyung." seungmin whined. as much as he was frustrated with his lazy boyfriend, he can't seem to gsther his strength to push the older. instead, he continued playing with his soft brown locks.

minho looked up to him then to the laptop where a beautiful hotel room which the younger decided to book was being displayed. "you can handle it well, love. " the older told. "but please choose an animal friendly hotel. i wanna bring our children."

seungmin laughed and looked at his boyfriend who seemed to be offended by his laughing. he pinched his cheeks and kiss the side of his head. minho giggled and hugged seungmin tighter. the older doesn't know if he have a kink about seungmin babying him but he truly loves it when his younger boyfriend do it.

"you sure spoiled your children so much i'm not gonna be surprised if they will open a youtube channel," seungmin paused to laugh while the older's nose crinkled. "and vlog our trips with them."

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