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I've eaten a light meal and took my way to my own room. I unlocked the door, walked inside and locked it behind myself.

"Okay. You know the drill." I said under my breath.

I walked to the desk the room had and looked at the paper after sitting down.

Your target's name is Ronan Doyle. He is currently 28 years old and spends most of his time drinking and committing criminal actions. I need you to kill him swift and silent. I apologize for putting this weight on you, I only recently found out that he is the tracker who attacked you.

Finding him won't be hard. He has a heavy body, tall posture, short brown hair and a very visibly broken nose. He also wears a shiny medallion in his neck -unless he took it off, which I doubt. Since you've killed his wife and brother, I am highly confident he'll be either at a shady tavern or at a whorehouse. My guess is 'The thirsty Lumberjack'. He is looking for you, definitely. You don't have much time.

I need you to find him, follow him home, kill him and hang his corpse. You cannot stab him. Stage it as a suicide.

Burn the paper after memorizing the details.
-Kyle Broflovsky

"Whoa, Kyle." I breathed out. "Ruthless." I added. After memorizing everything about the note, I burned the paper in the flame of a candle. I packed equipment I would need for the... quest I had been given.

I quickly checked on Tweek before leaving. He was in his room, studying latin.

"Heya." I walked in casually, with a bag by my side.

"Hello, um-" He studied my attire. "You look... cunning? Where are you going?"

"Into the city. A tavern." I replied and walked up to him to give him a small kiss on the forehead.

He smiled warmly. "Look out for yourself. It's dangerous to go alone."

"Heh. It sure is." I joked.

This caught his attention. "And by the way, why are you going to the city in suspiciously average clothing and a heavy bag?" He stood up and lifted my shirt. "With a- is that a cord? Is this for choking someone?" He jolted his head up to meet my eyes.

Here we go...

"Erm. I uhhh... okay." I sighed. "Yes, it is for choking someone. Remember the trackers?"

He didn't say a word for a second or two, but he nodded. "Uhuh."

"One guy is definitely after us."

He swallowed and sat back down. "I see."

"Kyle told me to deal with him. Poor sod is hopeless anyways."

He looked away sadly.

"Hey, I'm not doing this willingly. Kyle asked me -rather, demanded."

"It's fine. I am getting used to this." His eyes met mine again as he stood up to embrace me. "I wasn't born into war, I was sheltered. It all just... crashed down on me when father died. I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's fine, Tweek. Really." I whispered.

"Be careful." He tightened his hold.

"You know who you're dealing with. I'll be as cautious as I can."

"Heh. You're right." He pulled away. "See you soon?"

"Of course."


It was not at all difficult to find the man. There he was. In the tavern Kyle guessed, he was loudly drinking and singing. Asking for more beers and harassing the waitress. His nose was crooked, the medallion was very obviously in his neck.

The tavern was packed, shady people who were clearly dangerous ones filled the place like rats fill an abandoned attic. The smell was rancid, puke, shit, piss and, of course, alcohol. I wasn't that taken off by it, growing up in the slums was worse than this.

I sighed and walked up to the counter where a hefty and masculine woman stood.

"What you want." She asked.

I ignored the tone. "Whatever he's having." I nodded my head towards my target. "He seems to be having fun."

The bartender didn't say a word, just filled a large cup with the cheapest beer they had. "A quarter."

"There. Keep the change." I gave her five gold pieces.

She raised her brow. "This is too much?"

"That's the point." I said, took a swing from my beer and sat down. I chose a seat close to the corner, but I didn't sit in the actual back. Would have been suspicious. Drinking was nice while I kept my eyes on Ronan.

"You fuckin' slut! C'mere!" He shouted at our friend at the counter.


I might need to help her ou-

The woman slapped Ronan across the face so hard, he fell on his back. "Get out, drunken fucker! Or you want 'nother one?!" She shouted. All the guests laughed at Ronan as he quickly stumbled out.

That was my cue. I stood up just after Ronan walked out the place and I slipped past one or two drunk men. I followed Ronan for about an hour. I found it truly surprising how one person could get so drunk at noon. He soon approached a small shack at the end of a dirty road. I kept to the shadows of the trees and bushes. He was too drunk to notice anything happen around him.

He struggled to find his keys so he just kicked the small door open. Classy. I sneaked up to his planked up window and took a small glance inside. A table, a bed, a stove and three chairs, all kicked over. I didn't see how strong the inner structure was, so I decided to investigate a bit more.

"Fuckin'......" He mumbled. "I swear I'll.... I'm findin' you...." He finished his sentence by vomiting. And then, he passed out. I couldn't be luckier.

I moved to the back of the house. I saw a tiny garden, which was all trampled over. I guess the woman used to tend to it. I swiftly approached the door and listened to any movement. After a few seconds of silence, I decided he was still on the floor, passed out.

I opened the door -it wasn't locked, how responsible. The door creaked open, revealing me the house's horrendous state. It's only been a few days since the whole ordeal, so I understood why he'd be so messed up. But still... wrecking everything.. pathetic.

"This is not the time for this." I pinched my nose bridge. I closed the door behind myself. I did the same with the front door and put my face cover up.

I loomed over his limp body. He was fat, had a foul odor and he had unkept body hair and clothes. I wasted no more time and sat the man up. I crouched behind his head and took the thin but sturdy cord out. I began to strangle him while watching for any movement outside. The man didn't fight, he slowly lost his strength. It took longer than I expected. His body barely moved while suffocating, only a few twitches and groans left him.


I strangled harder.


"Finally." I sighed. This was way more heavy on me than any normal murder. This was too easy. I checked his heartbeat and breathing. Both were gone.

I proceeded to tie the noose. "Make a C, then an S, close it, uhh..." I tried remembering. "Right, twist, put the back through, then pull the smaller up." And I was done with the rope. I threw it up, put Ronan's head through and raised his body. Then, I tied it to a supporting pillar.

"Seems believable." I sighed. "Wait." I put a chair under his limp body and kicked it so that it would fall over. "Perfect." I took one final look through the house. Saw broken vases, clothes, a burnt meal... really saddening. But I tried my best not to let it bother me. I found a note on the ground.

She was pregnant. With my kid. This piece of shit took them from me.

That was all I could make out. The rest of the paper was torn and it had tears soaking through the ink.

"..." I placed the paper back.

I tore his medallion off from his neck and walked out of the house, muttering a quiet apology.

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