Chapter 11

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We carry him into the house, and take him into the kitchen. We lay his body on the counter "Vik can you grab some clean clothes from JJ's room?" I ask. "Of course" he replies. Harry and Ethan sort out some warm water with towels, as Josh goes to get some blankets. Tobi and I wash his face, as Josh comes back into the kitchen with a blanket, Vik following shortly after with his clothes. "Is the blood his or not?" Josh asks as I place the blanket under his head for support. Me and Tobi check for any wounds or cuts. "Look at his right hand" Harry says, I pick up his hand, bruised with dry blood all over it. "Ethan could you grab some bandages, there's some in JJ's bathroom" I ask, wrapping his hand in a damp warm towel. "His ankle, look at his ankle" Vik says, pointing to his left foot. "It looks sprained" Harry says. All I feel is guilt, the one thing I didn't want for him was to be hurt. Ethan comes running down the stairs with bandages. JJ sits up, gasping for air, looking all over the place. "Hey calm down it's only us" I say, his eyes wide.

I gasp for air as I sit up and look around frantically, I notice all the boys surrounding me, each with worry in their eyes. "JJ you should probably stay there" Josh says I say swing my legs over the side and hop off. I stumble on my ankle and grab onto the nearest wall with my bruised hand, "Fuck" I bash my head against the wall as I loose my balance. "You okay?" Simon asks. "Fine" I respond bluntly, I limp on my ankle and go over to the lift, luckily enough it goes into my room so I don't have to hurt my ankle any more. As the lift reaches my room I step out, and limp my way over to my bathroom. "JJ, it's Josh, can I come in?" I breathe in and compose myself, "Yeah sure". He brings up my bandages and clothes and places them on my sink. "I won't ask if your okay, because I know your not but you know I'm here if you need to talk to someone" I look over to him, as I fight back my emotions "I love him" the words blurted right out of my mouth, i could feel water building up in my eyes. Josh puts his arms around me giving me reassurance. "I know you do, take your time" I give him a faint smile "I'm probably just gonna have a shower" I say "Okay if you need any of us we're downstairs" he closes the door behind him and I limp over to the shower. I slip off my muddy clothes and throw them to the side, I turn on the hot water and step into the shower. I felt the water run down my back, stinging my wounds as the water touched them. I scrub the dirt off my face and body, turning the water unclear and dirty. After 20 minutes I turn the shower off and wrap a warm grey towel around me, I limp over to my clean clothes by the sink as I dry myself off. I put my clothes on and put the bandages in my pocket.

I close the door behind me as I leave JJ's room and head back downstairs to the others. "How is he?" Tobi asks. "Honestly I'm not sure, he looks like he's in a lot of pain but he didn't say much" I mean apart from his confession but I can't say it with Simon in the room. "I'm just glad we found him while we did, who knows what could've happened" Harry comments. He's not wrong, JJ was completely out of it. We discussed our thoughts on what we should do, if going to the hospital was a good idea or if we should see if he would talk about what's going on. Simon stayed quiet the whole time, he looked lost, like he didn't know what to do with himself. But mostly he seemed sad and concerned. "Simon you okay?" I ask, his face dull with no colour, he turns to me and before he says anything the sound of the lift coming down stops all conversations. JJ limps through, his wounds still not bandaged, no one says anything as he searches all the cupboards "JJ what are you looking for?" I ask. "I need pain killers, I need something, anything, I don't know what exactly it's just this pain is...I don't know! Just it's painful" you could hear the stressed tone in his voice. "I've got some left in my room from when I got my collar bone surgery" Vik says. "I'll go get them" he gets out his chair and hurries up the stairs. "JJ you should sit down you look like your gonna faint" Ethan says. "Nah nah I'm fine" Ethan stands up from his chair and makes JJ sit down. "Alright thanks" he says, Vik comes running down the stairs with some pain killers, placing them in front of JJ. "Thank you" JJ says , letting out a sigh of relief. He limps off the chair, and gets a glass out of the cupboard. He fills it with water and pops two tablets out of the packet. He washes down the tablets with water and leaves the glass in the sink. "JJ you haven't eaten in hours, you need to eat something" Harry mentions. "What do you wanna eat JJ?" I ask. He shrugs probably numb to the hunger as his body hasn't had any food or water for so long. "I don't mind getting KFC" Tobi says. Normally we would get a Nando's but we had it yesterday and the only other chicken place we eat from is KFC. "Alright let's go get a KFC" I say "Simon why don't you stay here and look after JJ" I knew the others wouldn't mind and they know that Simon and JJ need to talk and make up. "Okay" Simon responds. I grab the keys from the kitchen counter and we head out the door. "Talk to him, he needs you" I say to Simon as I leave the kitchen and follow the others out the door and to the car.

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