Chapter 23

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"JJ wake up" "Wake up!" My body being shook as my eyes pierce open. "Did I fall asleep?" I ask, blurry eyed. "Yeah but Simon wanted us to get you for him, he's outside" Vik says as I rub the sleep out of my eyes and get off the sofa. I couldn't be bothered to get my coat so made my way out to him in socks and a hoodie. "Simon, what's wrong?" I ask as I approach him. "JJ you're going to freeze" "Its fine I can handle it, what's on your mind?" he fiddles with his hand and looks away from me. I take his hands in mine, brushing his knuckles to re assure him to talk. "I don't want to be a secret, I want to tell the boys now, every time I see you I just want to kiss you and hold your hand and I don't think I can hide how I feel about you any longer" he breathes out, his pale face turning red. "I don't want to be a secret any more either babe" I say, his face lighting up as I say so. "come on let's go tell the boys the news" I hold my hand out to him and he intertwines his fingers with mine, we walk hand in hand back inside. "You ready?" I ask, "so ready". We walk slowly towards the kitchen where all the boys had gathered, until our bodies were in the doorway for everyone to see. "Boys we have something to tell you all" I say, as all their heads turn to us, looking down at our joined hands. "Me and Simon are dating" I say, looking over to him with a smile on my face. "Finally!" Josh shouts and runs up to us, engulfing us into a hug, the rest of the boys finally joining. "Were so proud of both of you" Vik says. "Who asked who?" Ethan says, giggling to himself. "JJ asked me this morning" Simon says. "I think this means a celebration is in order, don't you think lads?" Harry says, holding up the alcohol. "I think you're right" I say and run over to harry, grabbing glasses and cups for everyone to celebrate my relationship with Simon. I never thought this day would come.

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