Chapter three

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"How is it today doctor?" Nate sat up carefully and looked over at the screen.

"Your lung is healing just fine but pieces of rib seem to still be there.. you might need one last surgery just for us to pick out the pieces."

"That's good.. does that mean I can go out?" Nate had been bed bound for two months and that long in a bed made his despise beds. Once he got out, he'd never be lazy, he'd get up every day and do all that he could so he wouldn't have to even think of laying down.

"Maybe.. we can have you go on a little test run tomorrow, do you have any friends to take you somewhere?"

"I have just the person!" Nate was excited, this could be his chance to go on a real date with Mark! He would tell him his real feelings and ask him out.

"Sounds good but you'll need to take a few things with you in case anything happens and the person has to be ready to take you back here at any time."

"This person cares about me.. I'm sure I'll be fine doc."


"You are going to ask out Mark?!" Teresa exclaimed in excitement.

"I said I was going to try, I'm still a little nervous."

"Oh honey.. I love you but you have to understand that Mark doesn't like shy people, maybe for a while but he has a big personality."

Nate sighed and looked at the box of cookies. "I know how Mark is but it's not my fault! That boy makes my knees weak and it gets hard to speak to him."

"You just have to be confident dear, keep your chest puffed out and your head up high!"

Nate chuckled and said back. "What would I do without you?"

"Well, you'd still just be friends with Mark since I'm the one who told him you liked him."

"Wait.. what?!" 


"When did you tell him?!"

"I have his number and during one of our calls, I had to bring it up cause he was talking about another guy at his college.. I didn't want to see you heart broken so I told him then."

Nate wanted to be mad at Teresa but he couldn't bring himself to do it. "..You told him to stop him from finding someone else?"

"I saw how much he meant to you and I knew Mark shared similar feelings so I couldn't just watch a sapling of love die, I had to help it grow and when I told him about your little crush.. He said he felt the same but he needed to hear it from you."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I trusted that you would confess on your own with time." Teresa shrugged. 

"Well.. It's time, tomorrow I have to ask out Mark!"

"Where are you going to take my son?"

"Well.. The doctor recommended a low carb meal and.. I can't walk too far from the hospital.."

"You can go to the Farmer boys! It's not too far and they offer a pretty tasty cobb salad. Mark loves the ranch there."

"Farmer boys it is then!"

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