Chapter 1 -Rain-

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America groaned as he watched the rain splatter onto the window of the cafe. He really had not planned for it to rain. He supposed he was going to have to walk back in the rain. Again. That meant wet textbooks. He groaned again.

"Uhm...excuse me sir?" A small voice asked, catching him off guard and pulling him out of his thoughts.

" O-oh sorry. Did I make you wait?" He asked, straightening up and looking down over the counter to the smaller person or rather country.

"U-uh no it's okay! I just got here!" He quickly apologized and smiled warmly.

"So uh, how can I help you?" He asked politely.

"U-uhm...can I have two hot chocolates, one latte and one cup of americano." He smiled brightly.

America struggled a little to keep up with the order but somehow managed, "is that all?"

"Yes please. Thank you."

"That'll be 14.70 please."

The smaller country fumbled in his pockets for a bit and finally pulled put some notes passing it to the American who took it with a smile.

He put the cash in the register and too out the change, handing it to the smaller country.

"U-uh, you gave me too much change." The country pointed out as America looked back to see he was indeed right.

"A-ah so sorry about that, thanks for telling me." America sighed. He wasn't usually this blur.

"No problems!"

"Thank you, you can head back first of you would like..."

"It's fine I'll stay and wait." The smaller country smiled politely.

America started to get the drinks ready, but he found the silence rather unbearable. He didn't enjoy this kind of silence.

"So, uh you here with friends or something?" He asked as an attempt to break the awkward silence forming between them.

"Uh yea...well actually I'm here on a a double date." He smiled nervously.

"You're Estonia right?" He asked as a hushed whisper.

"U-uh yeah. You're America then." Estonia smiled back relived that the country he was talking to was friendly.

"Yep. And I'm guessing the other three there are Finland, your date," he smirked as he watched Estonia's cheeks glow a bright red at the mention of his name, "Sweden and Norway, no?"

"You got it absolutely right. We're planning to go to the amusement park today as a surprise for Finland and Sweden since they've never been there before. But because it started raining we took a detour here to wait out the rain." Estonia explained.

"Wow, I see, I'm sure they'll love it, plus it looks like the rain might stop soon." America smiled back at the slightly less flustered country as he finished their drinks.

"T-thank you!" He smiled nervously again, fiddling with his hands.

"It was great talking to you. Here are your drinks, enjoy." America smiled as he handed Estonia their drinks and watched as he struggled with them, contemplating whether or not to help the out but decided against it after watching Finland rush up to help him.

America sighed. How he wish he could find somebody who would do the same for him. But he was a hopeless romantic and shy person.

"Ame! Your shift is over!" His manager called out.

"Ah thanks Chase! I'll get going then." America thanked his, probably only, work friend. He went to the break room to take off his apron and shove it into his locker with his cap. He took out his school bag and books as well as his jacket and braced himself for the rain. He sighed.

He opened the door to exit the break room to the front door, waving bye to Estonia and his gang before leaving.

He was ready for the rain but did not expect it to be so heavy. He could take the bus home, but his house was only a 25 minute walk from the cafe and he needed to save money. After all his dad did refuse to pay for his university fees claiming he was a 'waste of money' and a 'disappointment of a son'. He frowned upon recalling his father's words. It did hurt him but he had to act as if it didn't. It was better that way.

He stopped by a park on his way home to take a a seat on one of the benches and rest. He didn't see a need to walk faster, he was already soaked through the skin.

He plopped himself onto the bench, with a squelch and slumped down, closing his eyes letting the rain fall onto his face, not giving a care in the world that he was probably going to fall sick after this. Not that it really mattered or that anyone he knew would really care. Maybe Canada would. His siblings would be too busy to notice.

He was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't realised that the rain had stopped falling onto him.

"Hey it's not good to sleep in the rain you know..." a deep heavily accented voice said.

America's eyes shot open as he sat up abruptly, shocked by the voice. He looked towards the source of the voice. He did not recognize this country...but he did seem familiar for some reason.

He had a white, blue and red stripes diagonally across his face and was extremely tall. He wore a simple striped shirt and a jacket over it along with a pair of jeans and some sneakers. He was holding an umbrella over America and himself. It was the first time somebody or rather a stranger had been so nice to him.

"A-ah thanks, it's fine though..." he smiled back

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Positively."

"Alright then you should head back home soon before the rain. Gets heavier." The taller country said as he turned to leave.

America watched as he turned the corner and disappeared. He waited for a while. Then decided to head back. At least before his dad realizes he has been out for too long and scolds him for not obeying house rules and punishes him. Or notice the fact he was drenched and would reprimand him about getting the 'expensive' books wet. Not like he really paid for them. Most of them were bought by himself. His dad only helped him out financially if he was willing to sacrifice some of his freedom. Which of course he was very unwilling to.

He sighed and got up, slowly trudging back home.

When he reached the door of his house, Britain was already standing there, in the shelter of the porch, watching America walk into the garden.

America sighed. This was gonna take a while. He was sure in it for today.

He made his way towards his father but paused when he saw another figure also staring at him with a rather frustrated expression.



1153 words

Sorry a little short, I hope you liked it tho :3

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