QnA Answers

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I thank everyone who asked questions :)

Thank you for your support.

Asy Cartia:  (@AsyCartia)

Author human: How do you write so well?? It's really good

Aww, thanks. It's all Grammarly...haha... I think if you're in the mood the words just come to you naturally. Thanks :3 (this is not actually my first book, but it is the first to get over a 1oo reads)

Russia: why are you gay? [*vine reference*]

"who says I'm Gay." (Russia)

You're gay. You literally imply it in chapter 14 good sir.

"Only because you make me."(Russia)

666NekoWeeb666: (@666NekoWeeb666 ) 

Where do you get your inspiration from? What are some tips that would actually help me write a book?

I get inspiration from other stories, comics online and things that happen to me in real life. Sometimes it's just a scenario I come up with.


1. try to set a theme or mood for your story. Like I wanted mine to be relatable.

2. Define how you want the story to end. It's good to have an end goal to work towards. 

3. Don't be too long-winded or leave out important information. Try to make sure your readers can follow the storyline. 

4. Get Grammarly. :> they're a real lifesaver. 

5. Be yourself. If you aren't comfortable with what you're writing, the tone gets awkward. Be confident in what you write but be open to advise :)

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