Chapter 2

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I sit in my small bedroom trying to use the tiny mirror on my compact mirror to blend my makeup, so I look good for Andreas party. I begin to grow frustrated at the mirror and how it isn't big enough. Or maybe the lighting in my room is no good.

Finally, I give and do my usual. Mascara and a small line of eye liner. I have pretty clear skin, which I am thankful for, so I don't usually need any makeup at all.

But I still don't like how my face looks. Sure, I have a nice body, but thats just genetics. sometimes I want to gain some weight because I think it would look better, but I can't.
Then theres my face. Cheeks a little too chubby. My eyes a little too small. I ignore my thoughts and proceed to pick out an outfit, as music fills the room from the docking station I brought from home. I run around my room, sliding on my socked feet and doing little dances to the songs.
I decide on a loose white top with mid length sleeves and jeans. Nothing too fancy, something about Andrea says that she isn't too into that stuff.
Finally, I have to do my hair. I curl my brown hair, and let half of it fall in front of my shoulders and half lay on my back.
I check the time. 8:06. Shoot. I was supposed to be at Andreas at 8. I must've lost track of time. Quickly, I grab my small purse and stuff my phone and wallet inside, just in case. I put on my converse shoes, my oldest, yet most comfortable.
I lock the door behind me and walk down the hall to Andreas door. I can hear voices from the other side of the door, and music faintly playing.
I knock and am almost immediately met with a grin from a tall guy, with brown hair and blue eyes.
"Hey, you must be Riley. Andreas told us a lot about you." He says, and I smile, thanking him as he opens the door wider for me to step through. I thank him and turn around to face him.
"Andrea is in the kitchen, which is just back there" the boy says, pointing, and then he disappears into a group of boys standing near the Tv. The apartment isn't too crowded, 20 people at most. It's the same layout as my apartment, but different furniture and the walls are painted a subtle yellow colour.
I walk towards the kitchen area and spot Andrea talking to a few girls. A tall boy stands beside her, with his arm looped around her waist. I assume he is Nick. He's attractive, shaggy brown locks and tan skin. He wears a light purple button down and khakis, making him look even better.
"Riley!" I hear Andrea call, and I meet her with a smile.
"Hey!" I say as she walks over, holding Nick's hand. He nods his chin up at me and I wave slightly.
"So glad you could make it!" she hands me a clear cup with red liquid in it, she tells me its fruit punch.
"We actually weren't going to stay too long, we were going to head out and go for a drive with Nick and his best friend. You should come!" Andrea says.
"You're just going to leave all these people in your apartment without anybody else in here?" I say, and I smile at the end In hopes it comes off as less bossy and aggressive, like I usually do.
"My roommates here, Mackenzie" she says, pointing to a girl sitting on the kitchen counter, with only a loose top and what looks like underwear on, making out with a boy as if nobody else is in the room. I laugh lightly at the sight.
"So are you in or what?" Andrea asks.
I want to decline, I'm not really in the mood to stay out all night, and I don't want to have to rely on other people to get me home. What if they want to go to some dark haunted house. I would have no other way of getting home. What if we get lost... There's so many ways this could go bad.
I shake these thoughts from my mind. This is what I do. I worry about non existent problems and I always miss out on the fun. I smile widely at Andrea and Nick.
"Sure, I'd love to," I say. I follow the two over to the group of boys standing in the living room, as Nick taps one on the back and starts talking.
5 minutes later, I sit in a black Honda with Nick in the driver seat and Andrea beside him, while I'm in the back with a boy who's name is

"Where should we go?" Andrea asks to nobody in particular.
"We should go back to our house" Nick suggests, which must mean him and Carter live together.

Nobody disagrees, but my mind tells me not to. Some random boys you just met wants you to go back to there house? Sure, I trust Andrea, but who knows what would happen once we got back to their house.

The drive to their house is short, but I learn its not a house, it's an apartment, just a few miles away from Andreas.

Once we get there, the boys lead us inside the building and to the elevator. Carter still hasn't said a word to me the whole time, and I pray that Andrea doesn't leave me.

In the narrow hallway towards their apartment forces me to walk beside carter while Nick and Andrea walk ahead of us holding hands and giggling.
"Dude, they're such a weird couple" carter finally says. I can't tell if he's talking to me since he called me "dude" but I assume he is.
"Why?" I ask, not taking my eyes off of them, too nervous to look at Carter.
He isn't very attractive, but I want to get to know him before I judge him. He's got big lips, shaggy blonde hair and a tattoo on his wrist, that I can't quite tell what it says.

"They fight half the time and then they're like this. It's messed up. Just fuck her and let her go, no need to make a relationship outa it." I cringe at his grammar and his remark about not needing to "make a relationship out of it". I'm thankful when Nick and Andrea stand in front of a white door while Nick puts a key in the lock.
When we step inside, I take in the room, it's a big big apartment, and there's about 4 other guys sitting on the couches in the middle of the room.
Carter reaches for my hand and begins to lead me to a back section of the apartment, the bedrooms I assume. He gives his roommates a smug look and I want to vomit. All of his roommates must think Carter is going to sleep with me. I try to take his grip off of mine, but of course he's too strong.
"Oh god" I think. " what have I gotten myself in to"
He leads me to a room and opens the door, slightly throwing me inside. I wince at the mark he left on my wrist.
His room is decorated with red and black everywhere. I want to run out the door, but my feet seem bolted to the ground.
He walks over to a small fridge beside his bed and pulls out a yellow glass bottle and I know exactly what it is. I know the smell too well.


(A/N: thankyou guys so much for reading the story, it's going to get better i promise, I just have to lead up to the things I'm planning!:0 so I hope you guys enjoy! Follow me on twitter and tweet me : @ Britishsquishy
Thank you again for everything ily all!)

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