Chapter 3

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I begin to back up as the beer is cracked open with a reassuring clunk. I shiver as the liquid flows down his throat as he chugs the whole bottle. When he finished he pauses for a moment before throwing the bottle at his black bedroom wall as it smashes at the contact.
I want to run, but I know he would catch me and make him more mad, and I don't even know what he wants with me anyways. I also noticed he locked the door on the way in.
"C'mere sweetie" he slurs, and I assume the beer he just had isn't his first tonight, as his eyes are reddened and glossed.
The feeling of fear grows deeper in the pit of my stomach. What does he want with me.
And why would andrea let me come here with him?
I begin to wish someone would come looking for me and rescue me, like in the movies. I hear laughter coming from the living room and figure they're all being too loud to hear me if I screamed. But I give it a shot.
I scream so loud, carter jumps. He runs towards me and puts his hand over my mouth, as I grasp for air. I attempt to push him away from me, but again, he's much taller and stronger, his figure towering over me.
The reek of alcohol makes me want to vomit as I give him one more strong push. Maybe it's the alcohol in his system, but he stumbles backwards and hits his bed, falling backwards. I take this opportunity to make a run for it, I fumble with the lock and finally get it open, as I swing the door open. I feel a sense of relief as I am now away from him and his smell, but I don't stop running, I know he is sure to be following suit.
I frantically try to open all of the doors in the same hallway as Carter's room, but all of them must be locked.
My hands begin to shake more and I feel my forehead sweat as I grow anxious knowing he might very well be behind me.
Finally I come to a regular white door similar to Carter's, and luckily, the door swings open. I turn around immediately as I enter the room, not caring who's room it is, and click the lock shut.
I feel so much relief as I lean my forehead against the door frame.
"Um, do I know you?" A voice says from behind me. I whip around and see a boy sitting against his beds headboard, books sprawled out around him.
I stand there with my mouth wide open, unsure of what to say. I must look stupid. God he's hot.
"Oh my gosh. I'm... I'm sorry.. I thought.. Yeah" I say,." Twisting the lock and opening the door.
"Hey, don't worry about it" the boy calls, probably trying to help me feel less stupid. I look back and he's smiling a very attractive smile. I return my best one and shut his door behind me.
I spot Carter's door, and it's now shut, I guess he have up trying to chase me. I look around for Nick and Andrea, and find them on the couch with a few other guys. I walk over and sit on the arm of the couch beside Andrea. She looks up and smiles.
"There you are." She says happily. "Where'd you disappear of to" she asks. I suddenly feel embarrassed about my adventure, so I lie.
"Oh, I just went and washed my face, I felt sweaty and gross" I say. She smiles and nods.
"Listen, I'm thinking of heading back soon, if you're okay with that." Andrea says, and I tell her I'm perfectly fine with that. She raises an eyebrow at my anxiousness but doesn't say anything.
The whole drive back andrea talks, but I don't pay attention. Instead, I watch the light misty rain slide down the windows of the car. I feel bad for not paying attention, but I can't bring myself to have conversation after tonight's events.
As Andrea pulls into a parking space in the parking lot of our building, he pulls out her phone, and skims the screen.
"Did you meet a guy named Logan tonight?" Andrea asks, still reading the message on her phone.
"No? I don't think so" I tell her.
"Nicks friend said that a girl just ran into her room, and he wants to know her name, Apparently we were the only girls there" Andrea says, shrugging her shoulders and slipping
her phone back into her pocket.
Now I know that I did meet Logan today. He was the one that I intruded in on. He must think I'm physco. I don't tell Andrea it was me, she might tell the guys and they would laugh at the dumb girl who was running around a strangers house tonight.
Andrea and I say our goodbyes and I put my key in the lock and open my door. I didn't even notice how tired I am until I see my bed, and my eyes feel heavy. I don't even change out of my clothes or wash my face. I throw myself onto my bed, and I'm asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
"The next morning, I wake up to the sound of banging on my door. I'm still groggy, my eyes are barely open as the events of last night flow into my mind. I stop mid tracks, fearful if its Carter at my door.
The banging continues as I run and grab a wooden spoon I bought at Ikea and run over to the door. Slowly, I open the door, to reveal Andrea. I sigh with relief, but wonder why she's here.
"Why didnt you tell me?" Andrea asks, yelling slightly. I can't tell if she's mad or not as she walks through my door and over to the couch.
"Hmm?" I ask, still not fully awake as I rub my eyes.
"You talked to Logan last night! Do you know how big this is?!" Andrea exclaims with a smile.
"" I say, confused as ever.
"Logan is the hottest boy, like, ever. He's in college right now, studying to be a doctor or something, but he's super smart. He never dates any girls, or lets them in his room. Last week, a girl went in his room, and he screamed at her. But he's so charming. " Andrea says, as if she explained anything.
"Uh okay?" I say, and Andrea looks at me with wide eyes.
"Ri, you HAVE to sleep with him. Apparently he's great!" Andrea screams. And I laugh.
"Oh no. No no no." I say. She starts walking over to me.
"For HIM to be chasing a girl is huge, usually it's girls throwing themselves at him." Andrea squeals excitedly.
She does this for a few more minutes before leaving back to her own apartment. I want to go back to sleep, but I keep smiling at her remarks about Logan.
I pull out my phone and search him on facebook. Luckily, I find him.
And what I find surprises me.
(Authors note: so I did a double update today , yaay! If you're liking the story vote for it, I have already got 100 reads on it, so thank you very much!
Follow me on twitter : britishsquishy ! I'll follow you back! Ily all thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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