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Hey everyone, just so you know this story is not mine all rights that I have where given to me by so please do not hate me for how I write the story, for it is how I imagine how it would go.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I felt pain everywhere, it was like nothing that I have ever experience before. Somehow, I could also feel darkness and cold maybe I am dead. All I do know is that wherever I am is starting to move, maybe I can see where I am going if I open my eyes, I will be able to see, but it feels like it is push me upwards, why would something push me upwards? What happened to me. As I break through the ice, wait ice, how the hell did this happen? Who am I?

"You are Jack Frost The spirit of winter." Said a voice that Jack did not know, and that is what confused him the most.

"Who said that." Jack states extremely confused, not realizing what else it said other than his name, as he looks around to see who the voice is he is also a little bit afraid of what might happen to him, so he grabs his staff to fight with.

"I am man in moon or Manny" Manny said this with authority in his voice also realizing that Jack is extremely scared, so he says, "Do not worry I am a friend. You can trust me."

"Okay, so Manny where am I exactly. Wait what happened why was I coming out of the ice." Jack asks with confusion lacing his voice but also with worry of what might happen to his family. Then Jack asks with hope in his voice, "Wait am I a ghost, or is it a spirit." hoping that Manny will say yes to ether one even though he is more right with the spirit.

"No jack you are not a ghost, but you are a spirit as I mentioned earlier today." said Manny trying not to laugh at how Jacks facial expression was changing so much.

"Okay, so know that we know who each other are how about you tell me why I am here. Wait are you a spirit or are you just a voice in my head, and what am I am supposed to be doing." demanded Jack.

As Manny was about to answer him, they heard sleigh-bells and Manny instantly knew who it was, so he knew that he could stop talking to Jack knowing he is now safe. As the sleigh landed jack looks ready to fly away but stops when he hears one of them yells his name.

As Jack stops North looks at the other guardians, them says something that surprises everyone else, "Jack Frost, will you be the fifth guardian."

As jack looks at all the other guardians, he thinks to himself that it might be a good thing to have a family that can protect themselves. So, jack says something that makes the other Four Guardians smile, "Yes, I Jack Frost accepted to be the Fifth Guardian. I have a question for all of you."

"Oh yes sorry. I am Santa Clause, but you can call me North. The green flying fairy is the Tooth Fairy or as we call her Tooth. The rabbit is the Easter Bunny or just Bunny. And the golden man is Sandman or Sandy as we call him, also he is also the only one who does not speak." North says when he realizes that they forgot to introduce themselves.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~200 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It has been a few years since I got my memories back, and I could not believe that I was a demi-god, or more importantly the son of Poseidon.

As I fly by using the north winds, I see Kangaroo and sandy talking to north, but what confuses me is that they do not have tooth with them. As I went over to where they are, I hear Kangaroo say,

"What do you mean the Gods want to talk to us, you told us that they think they're better than us. Even though they are the extremely weak ones."

Kangaroo and North were so busy that they do not see the sings that Sandy was doing to tell them what he thinks, until Jack makes himself known by saying one of his most snarkiest remarks,

"You do realize that Sandy has been signing a lot of pictures just to tell you two something, but there is also the fact that neither of you two pay any attention to him. Why, because he is the silent one, I call extreme bull on you guys, why do you not like to pay attention to thing around you like you are supposed to. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to start flying over to my lake and if any of you fallow me it will not be my fault if you get hurt."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back on Olympus~~~~~~~~~~~

Poseidon is yelling at Hades about the fact that they saw him die and how could Percy not be in the underworld.

"Where is my son you ungrateful lying son of Tartarus." Poseidon all but yelled at his Brother, not liking the fact that today marks the 200th year of Percy dying. Everyone was distressed and depressed with the fact that their Hero was dead, and no one could find him or his body.

Artemis goes up and asks Father, "May me and my hunters go on a search for Perseus Jackson?"

As Zeus thinks about this, (to make sure that nothing could hurt them), "Artemis I am giving you three weeks to find Perseus Jackson and if you do not have any leads when your time runs out them we will have to stop with all of their searches for him. Do I make my self clear?" Zeus stats with hope yet fear for when they find nothing.

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