The Beginning: part 1

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Three hundred years ago there was a boy whose heart turned to ice. Hair turned from black to snow White. Eyes changed from sea green to icy blue. Skin went from tan to pale, sickly pale but somehow still looks beautifully gray.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Percy POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The war was over, all done, or so we all thought.

I was planning on proposing to Annabeth after the award ceremony that is being held in honor of everyone that have fought in the war. As it was about six thirty-four pm and Hermes decided to grace us with his presence so we all could go to Mt. Olympus, which is where the ceremony was being held.

I noticed that all the hunters where here as well, but what surprised me the most was the person in front of them all was old pinecone face. I mean it is Zeus's specialty, turning people immortal I mean.

As I was wondering why they were all here I did not see the look that Annabeth gave one of the spawns of Aphrodite.

Of course, I could not think about it that long because of Zeus's booming voice saying that we can come inside the throne room. The first thing that I noticed was that there were two new chairs for Hades and Hestia, but as you can guess I could not think about it for that long because Zeus must interrupt my train of thought,

"Welcome heroes of Olympus. There is something that needs to be done before we start. So, no further ado, Artemis come up, so your hunters go first," Zeus says with authority

Artemis says, "Thanks father, Okay so I would like it if my lieutenant Thalia Grace would come forward. For your bravery we the council bestows upon you full immortality." And she paused that asked, "Do you accept."?

Of course, Thalia said "Yes, I accept. Thank you." As she said that a silver ball of light can at her, as it hit her, she fell down screaming for two seconds then she stood up as if nothing had happened to her as she went back to the hunters.

As the gods blessed Clarissa, Nico, Will, and the Stoll brothers with immortality and a lot more with immortality. After they were done Zeus Said, "All seven step up to get your rewards for your hard work."

As all seven stepped forwards as Zeus started with his over the top speech, "So I the great and powerful Zeus grants all of you Godhood, and whatever Percy wants after he decline my offer."

Everyone That was there for the titan war tried to silence there laugh but failed and everyone else were extremely confused.

"First of I call Jason son of Jupiter do you accept to be coming a God," Zeus says then the three fates came and said, "You are god of wind and of flying."

Everyone was cheering but Jason was looking uncomfortable as he backed up.

It went like this for a while which I thought was a little bit boring. I mean everyone was accepting Godhood, even Annabeth accepted but that did not bother me too much.

Then Zeus called for me, "Percy Jackson son of Poseidon and defeater of Cronus step up."

I stepped up to hear what my reward is going to be.

As Zeus then said, "Percy Jackson, me and all of the other gods would like to offer you a seat at the council as the fifteenth Olympian. What do you say?"

I automatically said, "Does that make me immortal or is Godhood a choice or is there a third option that you don't want me to choose, but you know that I am going to choose the third choice any way."?

Zeus looks like he is trying not to through some lightning at me, so he says, "We can make you mostly immortal but you can still die and you can have anything as a weapon and have a pet of something. What do you say,?

I think it over for a few minutes than say, "I accept the offer. Thank you. I will think about what weapon I want and what type of pet I want."

All the gods granted Percy immortal well mostly immortal but just enough to where he could die in a war. The weapon that I want is something magical but looks simply ordinary. The animal he wanted was......

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~till next time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yes, I know it is short, but I am thinking of combining a few chapters and I want the first chapter to be published before I do anything.

Bye see you next time.

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