Chapter 19 part 2

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Translated by Tee on

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“Stay awake” Huang Mei Xuan resentfully said as she lightly tapped the bewildered Xiao Jia Shu, “Look at the entertainment circle, which newcomer can be doing what you are doing now, your first debut is a collaboration featuring two most famous film emperors in the country. You don’t know how to cherish the opportunity that other people are unable to get. If you say it that, you will be beaten by the thunder, do you believe it or not? Finish your coffee and get out the car!”

Xiao Jia Shu was forced to finish his coffee and pleaded. “Mei Xuan Jie, I was awake until 4 a.m. and I have only had 4 hours of sleep, is this enough? Besides, I am not the only newcomer that get the opportunity to play with the great film emperors, is Lin Le Yang not another.”

“What do other people have to do with you? You know that your scene is today and you still stay up all night to play games, do you want to die?” Huang Mei Xuan was even angrier. She was about to unleash her fury when Huang Zi Jin took Xiao Jia Shu out of the car and said, “Don’t scold him. The more you scold him, the less energetic you will be. Today’s scene is not difficult. I’ll watch out for him. Don’t worry.”

“Can you teach him all the time? Can you play his role for him? Don’t let him be accustomed to this pampering!” Huang Mei Xuan put her head out of the window and bellowed, but the only response she got was the two people waving back at her. She sullenly stepped on the gas and left. 

Ji Mian also came to the set at the same time, in time just to see the commotion and he couldn’t help but frown. Fang Kun also shook his head and said, “With this attitude, even given a hundred years, he won’t be able to learn how to act. Nowadays, young people are becoming more and more impulsive and have forgotten professional ethics.”

“What about Le Yang?” Speaking of young people reminded Ji Mian of his little lover.

“Oh, he’s been here since 7 in the morning.” Fang Kun’s impression of Lin Le Yang greatly improved and he applauded. “I heard from director Wang that he’s been coming here so early in the morning to help arrange the film set, check the props, stand to observe others performance when he’s free or sit in the corner to memorize his lines and study the script. He’s been diligent.”

“Le Yang is very hardworking.” Ji Mian smiled a little as if he was proud.

The two became engrossed in conversation. When they got to the set, they found out that Lin Le Yang was preparing to play a rivalry role with Shi Ting Heng. He Jin, played by Shi Ting Heng, appeared to be a small leader of the drug cartel. In fact, he was an undercover agent sent by the police, following his lead to the Ling group. Ling Tao also had his informant at the police station and was already informed about He Jin’s identity and movements and gave him false information leading to the ambush and dealing heavy casualties of the police officers. 

He Jin was therefore identified as a traitor by the police department, not only was he fired but he also wound up in the wanted list all over the country. The drug cartel also issued a killing contract on him. At the same time, He Jin, who was chased by both the black (gang) and white (police), ran for his life and tried to clear his name. In the end, he had to venture into the police station to find the real traitor.

Lin Le Yang’s character was that of Shi Yu, a newcomer to the police station and He Jin’s childhood friend. The two were like-minded and passionate with deep feelings for each other. Shi Yu didn’t believe He Jin would betray his colleagues, so he deliberately let him escape when he was found and stopped by the police. This was the scene that was currently being shot. 

Shi Ting Heng face was smudged with dirt and his face was haggard-looking. He was wearing a cleaner’s uniform and standing on the sidelines waiting for the filming to begin. Lin Le Yang was in a smart police uniform, holding a script in his hand, looking down at it from time to time, seeming very nervous. 

Ji Mian wanted to go over and comfort him but just as he wanted to he heard the director shout, “Action!” The two quickly entered the stage and got in character. Soon after the director yelled “Cut! Lin Le Yang, you have passed by, the second camera was not able to capture your face. Please do it again!”

“Sorry director!” Lin Le Yang folded his hands looking very guilty. 

“It’s Ok. You’ll get there.” Shi Ting Heng has a good relationship with Ji Mian and will naturally give some pointers to his artists.

“Sorry Heng Ge, I am afraid I’ll be an inconvenience to you.” Lin Le Yang repeatedly apologized and then discovered Ji Mian standing on the side-lines, his face turned white. He realized later that it was a great pleasure to play alongside JI Mian but it was terrible to be seen when he NGs![1] He avoided JI Mian’s line of sight and returned to his position.”

  [1] Retake a shoot because the first take was not good enough.

“Action!” At the director’s command, the two grabbed each other;’s collar and quickly hid in the deserted stairwell. Lin Le Yang pulled off Shi Ting Heng’s mask and whispered, “Sure enough, It’s you!”

Shi Ting Heng was preparing to say his line when the director said, “Cut!” again. Lin Le Yang’s expression suddenly froze. 

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