Okay this will be new!

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Zoey's POV

It had been a week since the "flu" thing, My life was back to normal. I was feeling good and I knew it. It was a Monday night and I just had gotten off work, when I had to stop by the store for a couple things. I was walking down the ales just looking as I walked past the medicine ale. I saw a box of pregnancy tests on the shelf. I bought a box for the just in case things in life. I went home and the started cooking dinner. When mike got home he kissed me on the head and I finished cooking dinner. We ate dinner and then I had went to take a bath. Then I sat on the couch and watched TV with Mike.

Mike's POV

So Zoey was feeling better and I was feeling better that she was feeling better. When I got home work we were just hanging out on the couch. It was about 8:30 when I decided to go take a shower. Then I went to look for Zoey who had moved into our bedroom and she was reading a book. "Romeo and Juliette, a classic!" I said walking into the room. "when I'm a sucker for the classics." She said with a grin. I kissed her and turned on the TV. I watched TV until I fell asleep.

Zoey's POV

Mike had fallen asleep so I turned off the TV and turned over and turned off the my side table light. curled up under the covers an went to sleep. At 7:30 am Mike's Alarm went off. I don't have get until 9 so I go back to sleep. When my alarm went off I got up and got in the shower. I put my hair in a pony tail which was now about mid back and put on my work clothes. I looked a the clock to see it was 9:30 so I had 15 minutes to get to work. I ran to fridge and grabbed a yogurt and a spoon from the draw. I grabbed my purse and walked out the apartment door. I locked the door and went to my car. I drove to work and got there five minutes early.

Magical time skip to the end of the day.

So I got off work and went to get in the car and got a text from Dawn asking me to meet her at the coffee shop. I met her there. "Hey whats up?" I said sitting down. "Nothing, just wanted to catch up." Dawn said.

Dawn's POV

Zoey's aura was weird even for her I getting a double vibe from her. "Hey Zoey, are you okay?" I asked. "yeah why?" she questioned "your vibe is a little weird that's all." " are you late on your period by chance?" I asked. " Only by a couple days, why?". After that we went to her house.

Zoey's POV

We went to my apartment and Dawn had told me my aura was Doubled so i took a test to see if maybe I was Pregnant. I watch the screen go ...........

hey guys i have been busy but i wonder what will happen next time?


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