Danger 'tyler'

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We all turned to the door, Jade walked over to the door and opened it I smelled the air and I smelled bird "birdfolk" I sent my sister who froze "hello my name is Elli, I'm looking for some one I was wondering if you could help me out?" The Elli person asked. "Depends on who your lookin for" jade replied back "okay well her name is Scarlet" Elli said.

"Look" jade said rubbing her eyes with her thumb and index finger "your the second person to come by looking for her. We dont know where she is, her parents moved so we hope they took her with them. Please let all your friends know that they moved over seas because shes not here" jade sighed at the end and looked this girl in the eyes, I'm assuming.

"Oh okay I'll tell them" elli said and Jade shut the door and turned around "I think we need to find a new place to hide out if we keep scarlet with us" Markus said. I heard a deep inhale and looked at scarlet who sighs "why does this all happen now why not when I was little? I've done nothing and dont know what is going on I nearly have family anymore and feel like the world is closing in around me" she exhaled.

"I feel the world around be crumbling and my self with it I'm not normal like I wish to be. Yet I keep getting weirder I'm not only a fox but alot more I cant explain the emotion I feel. Its anger sadness happiness and everything In between." Scarlets eyes were shut and she seemed to be asleep because her breaths were perfectly calm and normal and she kinda swayed side to side.

She seemed to be thinking and a sleep at the same time, my sister stepped in and grabbed her hands scaring scarlet. "You need to stop fighting your instincts and let something take over your killing yourself by doing yourself that way. Breath and look me in the eyes have you had more then your fox talk to you? Or is everything else dormant inside your mind?" My sister asked and scarlet just looked at her.

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