Are you following me?

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-Avery's P.O.V-

It had been a week since the encounter with Michael Jackson and I still can't believe it. Now every time I hear his songs on the radio I get so excited. It's like my love for his music has timesed by a thousand. Fangirl all over again.

The night I got home from that day, I looked through my stack of cd's and got out all of his albums and just spent the night listening to him in awe. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity honestly.

"Hey start getting ready, we can't be late for dinner." My friend, Tiana popped her head around the corner to let me know I needed to start getting ready. She was taking me to some really fancy restaurant, you know the ones where it takes months for reservations and famous people go to? Yeah, one of those. She has a partner how is quite wealthy, scratch that... VERY wealthy. He is older and showers her in whatever she wants. Basically she has a sugar daddy even though she denies the term, she knows it as well.

"Okay. I'll have a shower then get ready hun." She smiled and did a little jump of excitement. "I'm so excited to take you. I've been a couple of times with Brad and the food is to die for!!! I'm so glad he made the reservation for us. Girls night!!!!" I laughed at her excitement and got up from my spot on the couch. She was already partway through getting ready. She came over earlier and brought all of her things over to get ready with me.

I made my way to the bathroom where I put the water on, letting it heat up whilst I undressed. The water was heavenly as I stood under it, singing quietly to myself. I washed my hair and body quickly and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my frame. Making my way to my room I changed into my outfit for tonight. I was wearing a fitted blue knee-length dress, with a low cute back and puffy shoulders. My hair I would let naturally dry and pin back the front, as I had a slight perm, I liked to keep it out in its curly state. "Here you go babe. Oh wow, that dress looks stunning in your curves." Tiana handed me a glass of wine, whilst looking me up and down, assessing my outfit choice. "Thanks T, your dress looks really lovely also." Of course she was dressed significantly better than me, in a dress that would cost more than my entire wardrobe, but I wasn't jealous. I was happy that this man made her happy, even if it was only with the gifts he gave her.

"So what are we gonna do about makeup tonight?" She asked plopping herself on my bed looking at me. "I was thinking my usual, but with a red lip?" Pondering my answer she finally nodded her head in agreement and with that I started on my face.


"Wow, how much did this place cost for a reservation?" I gawked at the interior of the restaurant. "That doesn't matter, I'm just glad that I got to bring you here." I am positive it was very expensive, with a very fancy set 5-course menu with the finest ingredients. I looked around at the different people who were dining here tonight and I felt very out of place. They were all so polished with tuxedos and beautiful dresses with perfect faces, and I was the complete opposite.

"Welcome beautiful ladies, can I interest you in a bottle of our finest champagne tonight?" The waiter spoke with such professionalism to him. He looked quite young, and very handsome in his dress pants and vest with a white dress shirt, a white towel draped over his arm. "That would be lovely thank you." Tiana accepted before I could decline. I don't have money for this. The bottle of wine he was holding was very expensive. I've seen it before when buying wine for myself. "There you go ladies, the first course will be out shortly. Have a lovely evening" He smiled and walked away, leaving the bottle of wine with us. "T, I can't afford this." I frowned feeling belittled at my finances. "Hun, don't worry. You're not paying today. I am treating you. Just enjoy your night alright. Don't worry about anything else." Her smile was so heartwarming. I could see why she had men falling over their feet for her. She was absolutely beautiful.

We were interrupted by the waiter. "Madame, your first course, and you madame." He placed our tiny portion of food in front of us. "Enjoy." He left us to eat and Tiana dug straight in. "Hmmm, delicious!" She looked at me, urging me to try. As I took my first bite I heard people in the room gasp and most talking ceases. I looked up and turned around to the entrance to see what everyone was looking at and when I saw I dropped my fork onto my plate, causing a clink. He was standing there with an older lady and an older man, who I recognized to be his parents. I watched as his waiter escorted them to a table not too far from us.

"Holy cow. That Michael fricking Jackson!!!" Tiana hush screamed at me, her eyes glistening like she was about to cry. I know she is a huge fan, like a HUGE fan. "I know. This is exciting." My comment wasn't as enthusiastic as hers, but that probably because I was shocked. "Okay, we need to finish our food before it gets cold. Eat up." And just like that, she was basically over it.


"And your last course ladies." The waiter placed dessert down in front of us then made his exit. Everyone had gone back to normal, I did notice a few eyes wondering to get a glimpse of Michael but I was just as guilty as them. I kept glancing at him, taking in the sight of the beautiful man. This time, however, when I glanced over to his table, I accidentally made eye contact with him. He opened his eyes as if in realizing something, then a sly smirk appeared on his face. I averted my gaze as fast as I could, looking down at the food that I was eating, taking another bite acting as if it never happened. I wonder if he remembers me? Nah I wouldn't think so. Why would he remember some girl who sold him a book? I'm sure he forgot as soon as he left the store.

"I'm just going to the bathroom," I informed Tiana as I stood up, wiping my mouth and making my way to the bathrooms, which are way too fancy. Marble countertops in the bathrooms, with amenities for free. When I finished I washed and dried my hands and went to go back to the table. When I came out of the bathroom I gasped in surprise as I saw Michael Jackson leaning against a wall, looking like he was waiting for someone. When he looked at me, I lost my chill. I wanted to fangirl so hard, ahaha. "I know you." He spoke, a voice like velvet. I looked around to see if he was actually talking to me and it seemed like he was. "You sold me a book. Which was amazing by the way." He started walking towards me. "I'm glad you liked it." My voice was quiet, nervous and he smiled. God that beautiful smile kills me. "So Avery, are you following me?" My eyes widened and I was quick to defend myself. "No, why would I do that? I didn't even know you would be here."

"It's okay, I'm just playing with you. It's just by chance we were both here." I let out a breath of air in relief. "You look very beautiful tonight." I blushed instantly, not sure how to react to a compliment by the King of Pop. "Um thank you. I should get back to my friend." I excused myself and started walking away but stopped when he said something to me. "It was nice seeing you again Avery." And with that, I hurried back to my seat confused as to what that encounter was just then.

How does he remember me? How does he even remember my name? This is impossible. Michael Jackson knows who I am! This is literally any girl's dream.

"What took you so long. Don't tell me you were hooking up with Michael Jackson. I saw him walk that way too." She let out a chuckle obviously joking, but little did she know that he was talking to me. "No," I let out a nervous chuckle. "I was just fixing my makeup." I puckered my lips showing her my lipstick and she believed it. "Well, I guess we will be going then." We both got up and made our way out. When we were about to exit, I passed Him... He felt so close. I swear our shoulders brushed together, and I could smell his cologne. He smelt amazing, addicting. any lady in his life would be so blessed to be around that smell.

We exited and the valet driver bought Tiana's car around and we got in, ready to go back to my place.

Tonight was something I would also remember forever. How many people can say they got to have a conversation with Michael Jackson, well sort of a one-sided conversation but still. I feel blessed but I also feel like I am dreaming, like I am going to wake up from a long nap and the two encounters with him would have never happened.

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