I like you too

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-Avery's P.O.V-

"What about this one?" I shook my head not agreeing with the outfit. We had been shopping for the whole morning and my feet were sore, I wanted to go home and rest in preparation for tonight. "Tiana why can't I just wear what I already have?" I felt literally like a little child chucking a temper tantrum.

"Because what you own is not concert-worthy. You need to look absolutely AMAZING, especially if what you said happened is true. He could be looking out for you." I rolled my eyes. She finally came to terms with the fact that I had met and spent time with Michael, although she was skeptical she was okay with it. "Here try these on." My thoughts interrupted, by clothes being shoved in my arms and then being pushed towards the change rooms. When in the changeroom, I finally looked at what Tiana had given me, trying them on.

Looking in the mirror I was too sure about this outfit. I was wearing a short red pencil skirt, with a cropped black singlet and then a denim jacket to go over the top. "Uh T?" I popped my head out cautiously not wanting to catch the attention of anyone other than Tiana. "Open up girl, let me see." I stepped fully out on the changeroom and did a twirl for her, which caused her to whistle at me. "We're buying it." I wasn't even given a chance to protest before she declared that I was buying the outfit. I wasn't too opposed to it, it was nice, but it was just out of my comfort zone. It was nice though. I always wore the same thing over and over and it was about time to expand my fashion style. "Okay, I'll get changed then I will buy it." She nodded her head letting me close the curtain and undress into my proper clothes.

"I have the best makeup planned for you. It'll go perfectly with the Bad concept." Tiana sounded so excited as we walked up to the counter and I finally realized that the outfit she had chosen sort of matched the Bad music video outfit. "I can't wait." I gave her a smile then directed my attention to the sales assistant. "Just those today?" She asked bubbly and bright. "Yes thank you." She put through the prices and put the items into a bag. "That'll be $30 today." I gave her some cash and she put it through the till. "Anything planned for tonight?" She asked making small talk. I went to go speak but Tiana butted in. "Yeah, we are going to the MJ concert!!! So excited." She raised her voice out of excitement as I grabbed my change back from the cashier that was a little taken aback from her outburst. "Well have an amazing night." And that was our queue to leave the store.


"Ahhh I'm so excited!!" Tiana squealed as we walked up to the stadium that the concert was in. "Yeah, I am a little excited too. It'll be amazing to see him sing live." I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the VIP section where we would get let in earlier than the other people. "I can't believe you got VIP tickets." She sounded so excited and it made me happy seeing her like this. I was also excited, but I was more nervous to see Michael if he had time.

We made it to the front of the line and handed the man our tickets, to which he observed. "Miss Smith you and your friend can come with me. This way." I gave him a weird look. Wasn't he supposed to just let us through? Not escort us, but none the less I followed him. He led us through multiple corridors until he stopped at a door, knocking on it and not long after the door nob started to move, signaling that someone was opening the door. "Good evening Mr. Jackson. I believe this is the woman you wanted to be escorted here." My jaw dropped when I was face to face with him and Tiana screamed. I looked over at her and she was completely freaking out. "Thank you, Frank." He thanked and then we were left alone with Michael. "You look nice tonight Avery." His smile was so heartwarming and he opened the door allowing us to come in. When I walked in I realized that this was his dressing room, large enough to be someone's living room, furnished with luxurious things.

"Who is this lovely lady with you?" Michael asked, directing the question towards Tiana, but she literally started hyperventilating so I spoke for her. "This is Tiana, my best friend. She's a big fan." I gave an embarrassed smile at the way she was acting which caused Michael to smile deviously and go towards T. He hugged her and she was gone, she started crying and Michael led her to a couch and I followed. "Tiana, it is lovely meeting you. Hey now, stop crying. It's okay. I'm just like every other person, I'm flattered at your response but just think of me as a friend, not someone famous." He smiled and wiped her tears. He really knew how to speak to people, definitely a people person. It was a few moments before I spoke up.

"Thank you so much Michael for this opportunity, it means a lot for the both of us." He moved from his spot next to Tiana to me and gave me a casual kiss on the cheek. "No problem. I wanted you to see how amazing I sing really." He was mocking himself and we laughed. "But really, thank you." I said again making sure he knew how grateful I was and he smiled.

We sat and talked for a little while longer before he needed to go get ready for the stage. "As much as I would love to sit and talk to you, believe me, I would rather do that than sing but I need to go on stage soon. Frank will escort you to your designated places." He had made his way over to the door and when he opened it, Frank was standing there ready to take us. "Okay, good luck!!" I said then followed Frank with Tiana. He led us to the side of the stage then out to the front where there was a little roped off area in the crowd, with a few people but secluded from the other people at the concert which was comforting. I wouldn't get crushed by people this way.

Looking around I did notice a few weird looks from people that made me uncomfortable, but I tried to ignore them. It wasn't long before the lights all went out and screaming took over the arena, including mine which meant that the concert was starting. Music started to play and the screaming intensified. Anticipation built as the music continued to play in not any particular tune until Michael suddenly appeared and the music went silent, nothing but screams being heard. The music started again to the tune of The Way You Make Me Feel and he started singing. I screamed loud as this was my favorite song and I sang along to the words just like everyone else. He danced around the stage in his own style and interacted with the band, smiling out to the audience as he sang. He made his way closer to the edge of the stage, making his way from one end to the other, stopping in front of our section and looked down as if looking for someone. Our eyes met and he winks causing me to blush. Surely he didn't just single me out to wink at me?

When the song was over, he started to sing Bad, which is also one of my favorite songs and I sang and danced along to the tune, having the time of my life.


The concert had ended and Frank found us in the very VIP section and took us backstage again and to the dressing room we were in before. When we entered there were a few people gathered around a very sweaty and exhausted Michael. We stood awkwardly near the door not sure what to do or why we were here. "I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Tiana left me, all alone, in a room full of people who I do not know. It wasn't long before Michael caught my eye and he spoke to the small crowd of people. "Guys it was nice seeing you but I have something to tend to." The crowd started to file out and before long it was just me and Michael alone and instantly I felt more relaxed. "Come." He patted the couch motioning for me to sit down to which I did. "Michael that was such a great performance. You're really amazing." My voice was bubbly and you could tell that I was happy. "Thanks, I could tell you liked it, you know with all that singing and dancing you did." My eyes widened. "You saw that?" He surely didn't pay attention to what I was doing surely. "Yeah I saw it, actually I was happy that you were enjoying yourself. That's what I wanted." He wiped some residual sweat from his brow and looked at me. "Avery, I'm really glad that you came tonight. You know it means a lot to me. Not just because you enjoy my music, but for being here, now, talking with me." He placed a hand on my leg which felt comforting to me and he was quiet, looking at my face. "Well, I'm glad that you feel that way because I'm warming up to you Mr. Jackson." I mocked him with a smirk but he stayed serious, just observing my face, staring at into each other's eyes now. It was so intense. My cheeks were blushing and I felt warm all over, but his eyes were so beautiful I didn't want to look away. Soft, chocolate eyes full of love and happiness.

I didn't realize what was happening when I felt his lips on mine, so soft and subtle, but masculine at the same time. My lips gave in and moved with his in a short, but amazing kiss then he pulled back looking away. "I'm sorry, I should've asked for permission. I didn't mean to freak you out." Surprisingly I felt the complete opposite. I liked what just happened.

"No Michael," He looked at me, "I liked it." I smiled and so did he, a sigh of relief left his mouth. "Avery I know this might sound weird because we've known each other for a small amount of time, but I like you. You're a wonderful person and I like it." Was he confessing that he liked me? OMG, what do I do? Thoughts raced around my head. I wasn't sure of my feelings for Michael before, but now I think I know. The feelings have just stayed dormant and this kiss confirmed them.

"Michael... I like you too."

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