Happy New Year

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Annabeth smiled as she once again woke up to the sound of Percy's voice, she had decided to spend New Years with Percy's family since her own were going off to do their own thing. Her father supported her decision and promised to celebrate the new year another day even though it would be late.

She got up out of bed and walked into the living room where Percy was telling Paul some stories about camp. Annabeth smiled and waved at the pair before going to the kitchen where Sally was making breakfast. "Good morning Annabeth! Sleep well?"

"Yeah, thank you for letting me stay here. Happy almost new year, what's the plan for today?"

"Well, we're having sliders, salad, and chips as our dinner. I'm making cookies for later, and we might watch a movie or two. Then at midnight we'll watch the ball drop and have apple cider." Sally seemed very excited about this plan, Annabeth liked the plan too.

She liked the idea of just hanging around at the house all day, staying in her pajamas and just chilling with Percy and his family. It sounded amazing even though it seemed extremely simple. They didn't need to do anything extravagant for it to be a good day.

"Annabeth, what movie would you like to watch?" Paul asked from the living room, he was going through Netflix in hopes of finding a movie they would all enjoy.

Annabeth walked over so that she wouldn't have to yell through the house to talk to him. "I'm fine with anything, I feel like I know what movies Percy would want to watch."

"Hey! I'm not predictable. Just try and guess what movies I'd watch." Percy frowned and sat on the couch with his arms crossed.

Annabeth giggled as her boyfriend sulked. "So you don't want to watch Finding Nemo or The Little Mermaid?"

"I-" Percy sunk into his seat. "Maybe..."

"No need to be ashamed, I enjoyed those movies when I watched them. I think it's cute that you like those movies even as an almost but not quite adult." She sat next to the frowning Percy, holding onto his arm and leaning her head on his shoulder.

Percy couldn't stop his smile. "This isn't fair, I can't stay mad at you."

"I know."

"Because you know everything wise girl."

"And don't you forget it."

"Of course oh wise one." Percy pulled away from Annabeth so that he could fake bow. Annabeth laughed at her boyfriend's antics. She looked down at her hand, where a silver charm bracelet resided. She smiled at it and looked back at Percy. "What are you looking at?" Her boyfriend tilted his head in confusion as he asked his question.

Annabeth shrugged. "Oh nothing, just thinking about how lucky I am."

"I'm the lucky one, I get to be with someone as amazing as you." Percy wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. "You are amazing in every way and I am so happy to have you."

Annabeth's cheeks turned pink. "You are so cheesy."

"You love it though."

"You're right, I do."


It was almost midnight and Annabeth was sitting on the couch cuddled close to Percy. They were watching TV, waiting for the countdown to the New Year. Sally was getting the apple cider ready to pour so that they could drink it once the clock struck midnight.

"Almost there! Five more minutes!" Percy shouted excitedly. Annabeth and Sally giggled as they watched him bounce in his seat.

"Here's your cider, don't drink it yet and don't spill it." Sally said as she handed a glass to her son.

Percy pouted. "I won't spill it and I won't drink it. I know the rules."

Sally smiled and kissed her son's head. "I know, I'm just making sure."

Annabeth giggled as Sally handed her a glass of her own without the warnings she gave Percy. "I feel like I'm being targeted." Percy said, frowning.

"Don't worry Percy, I won't make fun of you."

"I don't believe you, you make fun of me all the time." Percy put his head on Annabeth's shoulder. "Though to be fair I make fun of you too."

Annabeth began running her hand through his hair. "I do make fun of you a lot but I promise I won't anymore...only until midnight though."

"Wow, how nice of you." Percy rolled his eyes but still smiled. He was content just the way they were, there was no need to change a single thing about this moment.

"Hey you two, 20 seconds!" Sally said, cutting them out of their little world.

Annabeth looked at the TV where the countdown was about to start. "Here we go."



Percy got up and went to his room to grab something. "Hurry up- 8!"


Annabeth could hear shuffling coming from Percy's room before seeing him sit down next to her.


She could see that Percy looked extremely nervous as he counted down along with the rest of them.



Percy stood up once again but Annabeth just assumed he was grabbing his cider since he had set it down when he left the room.




Annabeth to turned to Percy. "Happy-"

"Annabeth, I know we're still young and I may not be the smartest or most amazing guy out there. But we've been through so much together and I love you so much. More than you could imagine."

Annabeth had tears streaming down her face as Percy got down on one knee. "So wise girl, would you like to be with me for the rest of our lives?"

"Is that even a question? Yes!" She tackled Percy in a hug, knocking him over and almost making him drop the ring box he had in his hands. "I love you."

"I love you too. Happy New Year wise girl."

"Happy New Year seaweed brain." Annabeth wiped her tears with one hand as Percy put the ring on her finger.

"Congratulations you two!" Sally joined their hug, eventually forcing Paul to join them as well. Annabeth didn't think she could ever be happier than she was at that moment.

[Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2020 is amazing for all of you.]


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