Merry Christmas

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It was Christmas Day and Annabeth couldn't have been happier at the fact that she was able to wake up hearing her boyfriend's voice in the other room. She smiled and got out of bed, humming quietly to herself as she brushed her hair and washed her face. She knew everyone else would probably still be wearing pajamas so she didn't bother changing.

She greeted Percy with a kiss on the cheek, making him freeze for a second before he realized what happened. He smiled and hugged his girlfriend, "Good morning wise girl. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, your guest room is very homey." She walked over and said good morning to Sally and Paul before offering to help make breakfast.

"Nonsense. You must still be tired from the flight, you go and watch a movie or something. I have this handled." Annabeth thought that Sally Jackson was too kind for the world and was extremely happy that she was Percy's mom. She was grateful to Paul for making Sally happy, the gods knew she deserved it.

Her thought were broken when Percy called her name from the living room. "Annabeth! The parade already started, do you wanna watch it?"

"Sure. I'm curious about the different floats. I wish I knew exactly how they worked instead of having to guess how they worked." She walked into the living room and sat on the couch, Percy taking the seat next to her. Annabeth smiled to herself. The day was going to be amazing.

In the middle of the parade, breakfast was ready. After eating, Sally and Paul joined the younger couple and they all watched the parade together. Percy fell asleep during it since it got boring but Annabeth's mind was whirring trying to figure out the mechanics of each float and how the balloons were made.

It was a good way to start the day. "Annabeth, wake up Percy. It's time to open presents."

"On it." Annabeth grinned evilly and began to tickle Percy. "Wake up seaweed brain. It's time for presents."

Percy tried to hold back his laughter but Annabeth was ruthless in her tickling so he couldn't hold back for very long. "My dear wise girl, you have started a war." He quickly got up and pinned Annabeth to the couch before tickling her sides.

"Wait-" She couldn't get many words out due to her laughter. "I submit! I submit!" She tapped the ground as if they were wrestling.

Percy laughed and helped her up before turning his head to the kitchen. "I smell cookies!"

Paul laughed from his spot on the couch. "She hasn't even put them in the oven yet. You have some sort of cookie radar."

"Never doubt my powers!" The son of Poseidon ran to the kitchen to make sure the batter was blue. "Yes! Blue cookies!"

Sally ruffled her son's hair and pushed him out of the kitchen. "You will have to wait until they are done. Once I put them in the oven we can open presents."

Percy smiled. "Presents! Presents! Presents!" He ran back to the living room and sat in front of the tree, practically bouncing in place from excitement.

"You fought Ares, went to the underworld, fought monsters, and you still act like a child." Annabeth sat next to Percy, only to get elbowed by him from her 'child' comment.

"I just wanna show you what I got you! I'm excited to see your reaction."


Annabeth was skeptical about her gift from Percy. She was also really curious to see what he got her. He seemed really excited about it so maybe it was something really nice? Sally and Paul didn't seem to wonder what it was, in fact, they also seemed really excited about the present.

"Okay. Mom here's your gift from me!" Percy handed his mother a gift with blue wrapping paper on it. It was topped off with a blue bow as well.

Sally smiled and opened the present. "Aw, how sweet of you!" She pulled out a blue apron. "It's perfect, I needed a new one too."

"Check the pocket." Percy looked like he was holding back laughter. Annabeth wondered what was in the pocket.

Sally stuck her hand in the apron pocket and pulled out a blue lollipop and a note.

Roses are red
This candy is blue
Blue is the best
And so are you

Sally was giggling while reading the note. "Thank you Percy, that was really sweet of you."

"Mom did you just make a pun?!"


"I've taught you well."

This got Paul and Annabeth laughing too. Annabeth loved their family dynamic, it wasn't awkward or weird, it was nice and loving. Even Paul seemed to be comfortable with them, even if Percy wasn't his biological son. She was glad Percy had such supportive parents, he deserved them.

Annabeth grinned and handed Sally and Paul presents from her. "I don't know you that well so my present may not be something you want." She warned Paul, who just smiled and waved it off.

"I'm sure it's great."

Sally opened her present first, it was a mug that said #1 Mom on it. There was also a new pair of gloves, they were black so they'd match all her winter outfits. "Oh Annabeth this is so sweet. I'll be wearing these every winter and this mug is going to be used for hot chocolate later."

"I got you things you'd use, especially during winter because it gets really cold here." She smiled as she was pulled into a hug by Sally.

"Thank you. Now Paul, let's see what she got you!"

"I'm excited to see what it is." He carefully opened the present and revealed a new black winter coat. "Oh wow, this is really nice. Thank you Annabeth, I'll be sure to wear it a lot."

"I just wanted to get you something nice that would also be useful." She was glad that Sally and Paul liked their presents. She was nervous about their reactions so she was relieved to know that they were happy with their gifts.

Percy grinned a pulled a blue wrapped present from under the tree. "This one's mine! I wonder what my wise girl got me." He shook the present as if he'd be able to tell what it was.

"Oh my gods Percy. Just open it." Annabeth couldn't help but laugh at her boyfriend. He was childish sometimes but it was always welcomed, they needed someone to brighten their spirits after all they had been through.

Percy unwrapped the present, revealing a box. He opened the box and pulled out a new Camp Half Blood t-shirt, a small jar of seashells, and a Poseidon mythomagic figurine. "Thanks! This is all really cool."

"Well you did ruin one of your camp shirts so I got you a replacement. The other stuff is just things I thought you'd like."

"I love it all, especially because it was you who gave it to me!" Percy hugged Annabeth and kissed her cheek. "I love the present but not as much as I love you."

"I love you too seaweed brain."

"I'm trying to be all sweet and romantic and you call me names? I'm hurt."

Annabeth giggled and hugged her boyfriend who was now playfully pouting. "Now, what did you get me? All three of you seem really excited about it."

"Oh yeah!"

To Be Continued...


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