Chapter 11

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"Bye, Hyeri. Have a nice day." I said before I leave her alone in the elevator. "Bye, Y/N. You too." She said as the elevator door closed.

As I walk through the corridor, I saw Taehyung standing outside my apartment room

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As I walk through the corridor, I saw Taehyung standing outside my apartment room. I quickly ran to him as I try to hug him but he avoids.

I try to hug him again, still, it doesn't give any effect to me. "Hey, Tae. What's wrong? And, what brings you here?" I asked, worriedly as I try to make eye contact with him, but he's not even wanted to do it.

"Tae, why? There's something happened?" I ask with a soft tone voice. I opened the door for him. He follows me from the back and both of us sit on the couch.

"Taehyung, please. What's going on?" I asked and turned my body to face him. "Why did you remain silent, my precious TaeTae? Tell me." I said as I could see his trying so hard not to smile at those words. Gotcha.

"Why didn't you answer my phone calls,
Y/N?" He asked, full of anger as I furrowed my eyebrows, in confusion.

I opened my phone as I widened my eyes because there are 40 phone calls that are from Taehyung.

Gosh, I felt guilty for Taehyung. "So, why didn't answer my phone calls? Not even one?" He asked and turned his body to face me.

Our eyes met for a second. I can see that he is worried about me through his beautiful eyes as I snapped into reality.

"Well, I went to visit my family in Daegu since I'm not visiting them yet because of my school schedule with my friend. I forgot to turn off the airplane mode because I've charged my phone, that's all. Nothing is worried about." I said. His face expression was a bit scary which make me a bit scared of him.

"Who's your friend? Tell me Y/N." He said calmly, try to control his temper. "Hyeri. One of my childhood friends, which her room is on the 8th floor, Tae. Please don't be mad. You scare me." I said, trying to avoid his eye contact.

He sighs in relief and pull me in his warm embrace. "You know how much I worried for you? Because I thought that something has happened to you"

He said tears trailed down to my cheeks, as he broke the hug. "Hey, don't cry." He said and wiped my tears using his thumb.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry because I'm not telling you where I'm going, not answer any of your phone calls, which I already make you so worried about me and I thought that you're gonna end our relationship here. Ya, like, from your facial expression, remain silent, anger, the way that you asked me, which makes me worried when I think something that is negative. I promised that I never do it again. Please, forgive me. I really, really mean it, though."

I said, continue to crying. He hugs me again, to comforts me. "Sshhh. Don't cry. Of course, I'll forgive you so, stop thinking about negative things, always be positive and remain positive and spend most of our time together." He said as I broke the hug.

"I always stay by your side, protect you, care about you, and last but not least, love you with all my heart. I love you with all my heart though there are bitches flirt at me, I don't care because I have you and only you now in my life. I'm not gonna let you disappeared just like that. That's how I appreciate people especially you, Y/N because you're lucky to have me, though."

He said while he stared deeply into my eyes. I smiled at him because his words make my heart beats fast and melting at the same time. "Awwww. That's why I love you more than anything, sweet talker."

I said and he smiled sweetly at me. I could see his cheeks turn into red which makes him cuter than he already is.

I think I'm gonna die because of his cuteness. "Are you hungry?" I asked Taehyung and he nodded his head. "Okay. It's time for me to show how good am I in cooking."

I said as I stood up from the couch. He chuckled at how cute I am as I walked to the kitchen to cook, of course.


8:15 p.m.

Both of us done eating so Taehyung is in charged of washing dishes as I went to the bedroom to take a warm, relaxing shower.

After that, I dry my using hair dryer, I use oversized sweatshirt, denim shorts and I apply some lip balm at my lips so that my lips don't look so dry.

I took my camera from my so-called 'secret place' as I take some pictures of a beautiful sunset. Then, I bring my camera with me and went to the kitchen to take some pictures of 'Taehyung That's Still Washing The Dishes'. "Hey! Don't take pictures of me while I'm doing my job, okay."

He said and I burst into a laugh, which is the expression of his face in the picture that's so funny.

Then, I went to the balcony door, slide it to the side and I don't want to miss this opportunity to take many pictures of the sunset because it's way too beautiful and it has the perfect view from up here.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrapped my waist and of course, it's Taehyung. "Hey, Y/N." He said as he kissed my right cheek. "Hey, Tae," I said and continued with my photographs.

"So, when did you start your 'being-professional- photographer' journey?" He asked.

"When I was 9 years old, my father taught me how to take pictures with a camera, because my father ever said that at least I have one thing that I'm good at, which is taking pictures, so yep. My journey has begun until today." I said as I turned my body so that I can face his handsome face.

I smiled sweetly at him and he smiled at me back. It's the right time to take pictures of him so, I quickly lift my camera and snap some pictures of him.

"Actually, my hobby is also the same as yours, to be honest." He said.

I widened my eyes because I'm shocked that both have us have the same thing to do. Wow! Unbelievable! What great news!!

"Oh my gosh! Really?! I can't believe it! So, when did you get interested in photographing?" I asked him and both of us went inside to the living room, leave the balcony door open.

"Well, my father is a professional photographer until he doesn't have any time to spend with me because he always went to travel and take photographs of great scenes or something that's relevant to photography. But this one day, my father has some time to spend with me and he teaches me how to take pictures using his camera. Since then I continue to practice and practice until I capture some great pictures of scenery of the beach. So, there's my journey. Oh, and the truth is, taking pictures is one of my 'Hobbies List of My Life'."

He said as I impress with his so called 'History of Taehyung's Life'. "Wow! Amazing!" I said as he smiled shyly at me. What a cute baby!

"But, I never have seen you taking any picture," I said, curiously. "Well, of course, you're not! Because I spend the whole time with you until I don't have any time to spend on my photography and you're my favorite hobby from my 'Hobbies List of My Life' to spend."

He said, which his words make my cheeks turn into red. Ughh!! I love you Kim Taehyung. I'm not gonna leave you no matter what happened. I love you, Taehyung.

To be continued...

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