Chapter 19

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"Fuck! That was the scariest horror movie that I've ever watched." I said and Hyeri nodded. "By the way, have you done your school homework?" Hyeri asked.

I widened my eyes and looked at her. "Shit! What day is today?" I asked, panicked. "Saturday?" She answered. Gosh! I can't believe that I'll be start schooling on Monday! Damn it!

Maybe I really had a great time this one week school holiday until I can't realize that today was Saturday. "Did you?" Hyeri asked again. "It seems you're not." She continued.

"Ha! I did finish it. Lemme think bout'... two, three days ago? Yeah, kind of." I said, arrogantly. Hyeri was mad at me because I've done mine.

"Yah, kid. Why don't you bring your school homework here while I'm cleaning this mess? Well, don't waste your precious time by doing nothing if you don't wanna get punished by Mr.Park next Monday."

I said and started cleaning up. "Okay, okay. But first, don't call me kid. We're at the same age, okay. Bitch." She said and I chuckled. After a couple of minutes, she came back with her school bag.

"Which homework you haven't done?" I asked and sat beside her. "History notes and Biology." She answered and started to do the notes. "Oooh... okay," I answered.

"Wait. Can I do it in your room? It's too boring in this living room." Hyeri said. "Fine. Let's go." I said and lead her. I lay down on my bed while she sat on my study table.

I watched YouTube and fangirl my favorite boy band, silently using my earphones... Yeah. I can fangirl SILENTLY. Unique huh?

Suddenly, Taehyung's perfect face popped out on my mind and I let out a soft chuckle which makes Hyeri felt annoyed. "Yah! Can you please shut the fuck up?!" She said, stressful. "Sorry." I apologized.

"It's about Taehyung, right?" She asked and stopped writing. "Of course! Why? I can't even think bout' him once?" I state.

"Nah. I didn't mean that." She said and continued writing. While I'm scrolling through my Instagram, there's a new message. I smiled as Taehyung send me a text.

Kim Taehyung💜✨
Hi babe.

Hi Tae. What you doin'?

Kim Taehyung💜✨
I'm on my work and it's our rest time. How bout' you?

Hyeri are with me so there shouldn't
have a problem.

Kim Taehyung💜✨
By the way, I miss you so bad, Y/N.

Me too. I miss the warmth of your body,
your smile, your everything.

Kim Taehyung💜✨
I wish I could be there to give you
my warmth.

Awwww. So sweet! This is why I hate you.

Kim Taehyung💜✨
I love you too, babe❤

Sweet Talker Kim Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung💜✨
Oof! I need to get back to work.
Bye! I love you! Muahhh!!😘❤

Love you too! Bye! Take care, my baby, Tae!💜


12:27 p.m.

"Done! Yess!! Finally!" Hyeri said, happily. "Good for you," I said while still scrolling through social media.

"Why don't we have lunch outside? I'm too lazy to cook. It's my treat only for today." I said as she nodded immediately.

"Okay. Let's go. Bring your bag too." I added and grabbed my purse, phone, and my car keys. Both of us went to the basement park and headed to McDonald's.

20 minutes later...


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"Hyeri." I called and she hummed in respond. "Why didn't you tell me that you dated with that boy, Hoseok," I asked and take a bite of my burger. She choked her food and quickly drink her coke.

"How did you know bout' that?" She stutter. "Wae?" I asked her, calmly.

"Because I'm scared that you gonna tell someone. I don't want people to know that I'm dating him. Even my siblings too didn't know bout this so, that's why I just keep it to myself."

She explained and take another bite. "Dude. Don't lose your trust in friends. They're like your second family to you. So, why did you think like that? You also know that I'm not that type of person, right? So, trust me. I'll keep your secret." I said and she nodded.

"So, where did you heard bout' this?" She asked and looked at me. "You're dumb as always. Did you just forget or you've got amnesia? Hoseok is one of Taehyung's friends, dude!" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

I sighed. "Taehyung invited his 6 friends to my house so, yep. That's how I know." I said and I can read from her face that she was super duper shocked as she closes her mouth using her hand.

"Wattafak! Hoseok was Taehyung's friend? I didn't fuckin' know bout' that!! He didn't talk bout his friends to me!! The fuck!! I can't believe it!!" I can saw from her facial expression that she really means it.

"I thought that you know about this," I said as she shook her head. "Fine," I said and continued. But suddenly, her face turned serious.

"Y/N." She called. "Yeah?" I said while focusing on my eating. "You've told me that Taehyung invited his friends to your house." "Yeah. What's wrong with that?" I stopped eating, waiting for her to continue in curiosity.

"Did you and Taehyung..." "What? What's wrong with both of us?" I quickly asked her. "Well, you know... Do that 'thing'." "What?!" I almost screamed at her until I realised what does it mean.

"Fuck! You're fucking disgusting, Hyeri!! Ewww. Of course not!! I'm still a student! I can't do that 'thing' now! No way!" I whispered-yelled at her and I can feel my cheeks burned and my hands started to get sweaty in embarrassment.

"Aish, Y/N! I know that you didn't do such things but, I know that you wanted to do so right? Like, in your imaginations. For example, you imagine that he moaned your name, he fucks you, his sweaty hot toned body, his sweaty, messy hair, his-" I cut her words.

"Shhhh!!! Hyeri!!!! People will hear you talking this kind of topic and they thought that you pervert." I said and take a big bite of my burger and munching it in face pace, controlling my anger. But deep inside my head, yes. I've imagined that kind of thing.

After a while, I finished my burger and went to the sink to wash my hands. When I was about to sit down, I saw a familiar figure not far from here, chatting with his friends. So familiar.

"That guy was familiar. Very familiar, though." I said to myself while looking at them. "Where?" Hyeri asked as she looked to the direction that I was looking for.

"Bitch! That was Kim Taehyung!" She said in whispered-yelled tone. I'm shocked. I'm literally shocked. I'm really shocked. Why I can't recognise him from here?

To be continued...

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