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At the command, my eyelids flicked open instantly. Sitting the upper half of my body upright, I rise out of the cot and onto my feet. Already the sun burned bright through the window above me, covering the room in golden rays of light.

Get your gun.

Grabbing the revolver on my nightstand, I attached it to the holster to my side. But as soon as I did, the door swung open, revealing a man with a grin that stretched from ear-to-ear. As he stood in the doorway, his name— previously unknown—came to me.

"Nash," I greeted. Yes, he was my oldest partner, the man I could rely on when things got rough. Or at least that was what I was told.

"You ready for a train loot?" He stepped forward, clutching the silver-plated buckle on his belt with his fingers.

I raised my eyebrow, not recalling anything about a train loot. "There's a train coming in today?"

With the flick of his wrist, he pulled out a watch from inside his pocket. "Arriving right at nine," he said before snapping the lid shut. "So if you want to catch it before it pulls in, we'll have to head out right now."

"Since when have I ever said no to a train loot?" My hand moved to the side of my hip. "Gather up the boys and have them ready to go. We ride out shortly."

"Yes, ma'am." He winked, tipping the brim of his hat. As he turned on his heel, I could only stand and watch as he headed out the door.

Get your hat.

Going back to the task at hand, I lifted the black hat hanging by my bedside and fastened it over my head. Glancing at the square-shaped mirror hanging on the wall, I tilted the brim over my eyes, nearly covering them. In a matter of seconds, I had transformed into the most fearsome outlaw that had ever roamed Copper Springs, The Lady in Black.

Go outside and climb on the horse.

Now that I was ready to go, I walked out of the cabin me and my men called home. As I passed by them, I noticed their blinking eyes staring off into nowhere- their frames remaining at a standstill. Yet, I did as I was instructed and continued forward towards my stallion, Muerto. He was as black as the night with equally dark mane that flowed in the wind whenever he galloped.

"Well? What are y'all waiting for?" I looked towards my men as I swung one leg over Muerto's back. "We've got a train to rob."

Their eyes instantly lit up before they all gave a loud whoop. After clambering onto their horses, they pulled the rags wrapped around their necks over their faces. Blues, greys, and browns. These rags came in several shades, but not black. That color only belonged to me.


"Gallop," I repeated out loud, tugging at Muerto's black mane. Before I could even blink, he dashed off, kicking up clouds of red dust behind us. Riding ahead of everyone else, I led the way out of the canyon, aptly named Hell's Canyon due to the blood-red spires and formations that surrounded it. It was also the appropriate hideout for a roaming gang of outlaws like ourselves. No townsfolk would ever dare to venture out here.

So as the dirt beneath us changed from red to brown and a clear view of the desert could finally be seen, my eyes spotted the outline of the town in the distance. It was nothing more than a speck on the horizon.

"The train's coming from the west!" Nash rode up beside me.

"This way!" I called to the men behind me before steering Muerto to the left. Keeping my gaze straight ahead, I saw nothing but the endless stretch of sand and dry shrubs spread over it.

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