~ Chapter 4 ~

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I stiffen at the white light that's flashing through my closed eyes. Stifling a groan, I wince at the feeling of something which seemed to be digging into my brain. Blindly reaching behind my head, I grab onto a pointed rock, pulling it out from under me and tossing it away. An ache begins to drill into the back of my eyes. Throwing my hands over them the pain begins to fade.

Time wears on, I begin to feel the familiar aches in my bones from over-using my gifts. Suppressing a yawn, I stretch my arms over my head and drag them over damp grass. Pausing, I crack open my eyes and lean forward. Looking towards the sky, I can see the sun is high above me.

My mind fuzzy and in pain, seemed to cause me trouble remembering the events of the previous night. Soaking up the rays from the midday sun; I take a breath and try to center my thoughts.

The man...yes, I remember now. The man whose icy eyes held so much anger. Flickering my eyes around me, confusion fills me as I find myself staring at the porch of my home, sitting at the border of the forest.

I couldn't understand how I could have gotten here...

He picked me up, and took me here? Didn't he?


How did he even know where I lived?

Trees rustled deeper within the forest. Drawing my eyes in. It feels...unnatural. My hair stands up on the back of my neck and a static warmth moves down my body. Stroking me. A pleasant shiver runs down my spine, causing my heart to beat loudly.

I'm being watched.  

Grabbing a nearby tree, I tug my body up to balance. My legs are stiff and shaky. Forcing my body to move, my feet fumble as I ungracefully stagger towards the porches. Breathing heavily I scan the forest and I prop my back against a wooden pillar. The static feeling only begins to grow. I flicker my eyes back and forth along the forest line franticly, seeing nothing but the shudder of branches swinging through the wind.

The warm sensation grows stronger, continuing to roll up and down my body. I frantically rub my arms, hoping that the feeling would go away. Heart beating uncontrollably, I stumble towards the door and slam it behind me.

Panic surges through me, breathing coming out in short pants. Awkwardly scrambling backwards towards the stairs, I trip over an old rug. Falling to my knees with a thud. Hissing through my teeth I crawl on my hands and injured knees up the stairs, ducking behind the wooden banister. 

Clutching my hands to my chest, my gaze reminds steadfast on the door. Unwavering like my internal panic wreaking my body. Sweaty hands hugging the banister I tremble, letting out a whimper. 

Suddenly I feel like my mind is being lightly squeezed only for all the feelings to dissipate, as quickly as they had come. Leaving my heartbeat echos in my ears, my head dizzy, and stomach queazy. I remain still long after the feeling disappears; stuck within my head, eyes fixed to the door. 

What was that?

Letting out a shaky breath, I slowly ease myself onto my feet. Grasping the railing tight, gradually stepping down the stairs. Pain flaring up again along my body I make my way towards the kitchen. Taking a lasting look at the door, I peek my head around large windows looking for the source of my panic ...and...pleasure?

I shake my head, moaning in discomfort at the uncomfortable pressure against it. With my hands on my head, I steer myself toward the medicine cabinet, reaching forward and grabbing some pain medication. Taking a glance over my shoulder, and out the window again I grab a glass running it underneath the trap. Placing the pills on my tongue in distaste I gently place my lips on the cold rim of the glass, tilting it. Sighing, and silently place the glass in the sink. A chill runs over me, making my shoulders shudder. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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