Chapter One

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                           It was another world meeting day and of course the Frenchman and the Brit were bickering. It had all started with Francis calling Arthur the black sheep of europe, an insult of his that he never seemed to get tired of. Naturally this irritated the Englishman. That damned french accent always made his blood boil.

                           Granted the shorter blonde always told himself that his blood boiled from anger, and he did a good job pulling off that little lie. Though in actuality, his blood boiled from pent up sexual frustrations. Would Arthur even admit that? Of course not. He'd rather continue bickering until the Frenchman shows interest, or something along those lines.

                           As for Francis, well, he too liked the Brit. However it wasn't just stubbornness that kept him from confessing, no, he was afraid of rejection. He has known Arthur so so many centuries.. He didn't want to risk losing him. Sure, they constantly fought but, to Francis, that was better than nothing. He felt that is Arthur rejected him and knew how he felt, he'd go out of his way to avoid the Frenchman completely.

                           Arthur crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the other blonde, venom in his voice as he spoke.

                           "You damned Frenchies always think you're oh so perfect! Yet the only bloody true relationship was with a simple human! No nation would ever fall for a frog like you!" Arthur said, not realizing in that moment how much that stung Francis.

                          Francis stood there in shock and heart break. Did.. Did Arthur really just bring up Joan..? He knew that was a sensitive subject! Why would he do that?! Then insinuate that no one, including Arthur, would love him?! Francis knew Arthur could be cold but.. This was a new low. The Frenchman's eyes went from a bright sky blue, to a cold icy blue as he glared at the Brit, trying to play his sadness and hurt off as anger. He muttered one single phase.

                          "Le baisage. Toi." (Fuck. You.) Before he turned to leave the room. He tried to calmly walk out, to keep up to cold, angry facade but he felt the tears coming from his eyes as he quickly left the room, not quite running but his pace quickened as he slammed the door behind him. He hoped his change of pace wasn't noticed, but it was.

                        At that moment, watching Francis run from the meeting room, he knew he had fucked up. He knew he went too far.. Why? Why did he say that! Instant regret filled the green eyed man as he stood up and left the meeting without even letting it be properly dismissed. Ludwig tried to stop him but Arthur turned and gave him a look of 'I'm not staying while he's hurt' as he too left the meeting room in search of finding his lifelong.. Friend? Enemy? Well, lifelong something. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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