5. A Prelude to the Gauntlet

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(A/N: Apologies in advance for the change in dialogue/writing style. I think it gives me a better descriptive range and overall looks more professional.)

The first day was going as well as you could expect. Many were late, many were way too early and few were fully awake. Unlike yesterday, however, the girls weren't going to be late. Alarms blared like trumpets, spooking the two girls.

"Could you turn that shit off?!" The hidden snake whined as she buried her head in her pillows.

Sasha slowly rose from her comfy coffin of covers to turn off the vexing sirens. She yawned and stretched before going to the bathroom to do her routine. The bathroom doors opened to a Sasha fresh out of the shower in her huntswoman outfits and a towel over her head. Illia, however, was still not out of bed. Sasha gently nudged her roommate awake.

"Would you kindly fuck off?" the sleepy girl demanded.

"If you don't want to be late, you'll have to wake up." Sasha replied, softly.

With a sigh, the black mamba headed the words of the grey wolf and finally go out of bed to do her own routine. Sasha knocked on the bathroom door.

"If you're hungry, I'll make something in the dorms kitchen."

"Gotcha." the still sleepy snake weakly responded.

The dorm's common area was what you'd expect. It was a large living space that could easily accommodate for a few dozen students. The kitchen was similar, gas oven and stove, fryers, a walk-in pantry, a walk-in cold room and a fridge. All quite oversized for their function, even for a dorm that can hold half the students of the first year. The fridge was well stocked if filled with mostly garbage. Sasha searched the cupboards for special equipment, finding a waffle iron. That'll do. She checked the fridge and found ready-made waffle batter. She tossed it aside.

"Right, like I'm trying to kill her." she scoffed.

She reached for the eggs, butter and milk. Then she disappeared into the pantry, reappearing into the kitchen with flour, salt, baking sugar and vanilla paste. A pretty simple waffle recipe: mix the dry ingredients together, mix the wet ingredients together then mix the two until just combined. let it rest in the fridge for a bit, look around in the fridge for fresh fruit and some honey syrup, almost have a heart from the real science projects going on in the back of the fridge. (Note: you can skip the last one. Remember people, a clean fridge is best fridge.) Wince in outraged disgust that ANYONE could leave something in there for so long that we're pretty sure it could sustain its own microbial ecosystem. Clean out the fridge for fifteen minutes. The batter should be good to go and the waffle iron should have been warming up for an adequate amount of time. Butter (or spray with edible cooking spray, hopefully, butter flavoured) the iron and lay a generous ladleful of batter into it. Wait for it to be crispy golden brown and Voila! You got some pretty good waffles. Sasha found some apples, some jam and some honey.

Illia snuck up and looked over Sasha's shoulder.

"This looks good." She commented, her mouth already watering.

Sasha yelped, being spooked by Illia's sudden appearance.

"Since when were you here?" Sasha questioned, annoyed.

"I've been here for like five minutes."Illia answered nonchalantly.

The wolf crossed her arms

"And you didn't even bother warning me of your presence because?"

"You were raging in the fridge because, and I quote, 'Some absolute butt-munch thought it was funny to leave what was maybe a pizza at one point in there for gods-knows how long.'"

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