Dense! Freddy x Best Friend! Baby: Forever and Always (Part 2)

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AN it took every ounce of my brain cells to do this idk why but im running out of inspiration pls send help i dont want to end up like those other creators that just lashed out in their works (PS typing scribbles like these on a keyboard can actually help you rile up yourself to be more motivated! Nice one me!) Anyway moving on to the oneshot

Once again, requested by pokesonicmaster300 :))

Title: Forever and Always (Part 2)

"Glad you can make it sister!" Chica welcomed Baby with a wide grin on her face, as they both hugged each other briefly.  "Yeah, managed to convince Dad I'll stay until 11, and then he'll pick me up by then," Baby said with a small chuckle as Chica led the both of them inside her house.

The place was filled with life, with loud music blasting everywhere on ever corner of the house. Teens from near the village were everywhere, and enjoying themselves along with some drinks. Chica and Baby stopped their long walk at the living room, where Freddy was hanging out with his normal people (which at this point meant literally anyone).

"So, about the thing,-" Chica started, but was cut off by Baby with a shake of her head.

"Are we really gonna do this?" Baby asked her, and Chica immediately responded, "Of course gal! Look, you two are made for one another," which made Baby look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"How do you know?" Baby asked. "Oh, I don't know, how 'bout the way you two talked to each other at the cafeteria?" 

"When did you even saw that?" This made Chica shake her head with a hand on her forehead, "Duh. You two talk like that every time. Everyone knows how you guys talk very often, specially at lunchtime." This made Baby blush bright red, while Chica took the time to poke one of her cheeks.

"No way," Baby deadpanned.

"Yes way!" Chica fired back.

"How? He never does feel the same, to him most likely I look like his younger sister," Baby gave up, slumping down on one of the seats near them while waving her arms in the air. "Heck, he never even notices it."

"Not until you talk him out of it," Chica finished the sentence for her, making Baby sigh loudly. Why was dense hotties complicated to deal with? "So what now, coach?" Baby said, defeated.

"You see him there, yeah?" Chica pointed her finger to the brunette who's sitting at the sofa with a platinum white haired girl, chatting away with drinks. Baby turned her head to where she's pointing, suddenly turning jealous once she saw Freddy talking to another girl. Did she had the right to feel so in the first place?

"All you got to do is to sit beside him, and tell him how you feel about him," Chica says with a wink, and Baby rolled her eyes at Chica 'cause she say it as if it's the easiest thing to do in the world. "And what if he doesn't feel the same?" Baby asked, trying to gather up her courage for what's going to happen next.

"Sis, even if he doesn't feel the same, at least you got it off of you and you don't have to worry about it again. And if he does feel the same, then it's a plus!" Chica assured her, making the redhead smile. "Okay then, here goes nothing," Baby muttered to herself before walking towards Freddy.


"Fred, who's that redhead you're with earlier at the cafeteria?" Mangle, one of the new kids at school along Freddy asked him with a suggestive smirk on her face, making Freddy chuckle a bit while drinking down his beer in his cup.

 "Oh her? That's CB, my childhood friend. Used to hang out real often back then," Freddy paused, suddenly remembering something she said earlier. "Hang on, where is she?" He asked out loud, making Mangle confused. 

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